Friday, February 10, 2012

Meeting of the Physical Design Committee 2-9-12

Here is a brief recap of the discussions yesterday February 9 from Johnny Robertson:

-          Kimberly met with Garden Club representatives to discuss ideas about the Vardell Garden, Kimberly will be available to work with this group as requested
-          The “Healthy Community” group sponsored by SRMC led a discussion about developing walking paths and greenways and the value such features would add to Red Springs – Kimberly will designate  some possible walking routes in town on existing sidewalks and make suggestions about possible greenways that can be developed to connect parks and public areas with key spots in the community – the walking trail may also have a brochure that gives the route and highlights interesting buildings or historic spots along the way.
-          There was also discussion about having the Town designate a space to hold a “Farmer’s Market” on weekends – say an area in the Cotton Yard lot
-          Out of that discussion came up the concept of Community Gardens, Arlene said she was working on this
-          CIS talked about: community involvement in beautifying school grounds, having community garden space for kids to learn about  gardening, and involving SRMC in teaching about nutrition
-          We also reviewed sketches of entry signs and discussed the way theme concepts could be carried over from the entry signs to other design elements in town.  Kimberly is going to develop the chosen sign and present again when she returns to RS
-          We also discussed ways to use “public art” in store fronts and as murals to add to our community in the business district
-          Kimberly will work to finalize our Master Plan so that we can formally identify our list of projects and then we can begin to identify funding sources so that individual projects can come to life.

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