Monday, June 27, 2011

JUNE 20, 2011 STEP Meeting Agenda, Minutes, Red Springs Identified Strategies and Economic Development Strategy Instructions

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Announcements – STEP Co-chair Willie Goodyear

Ø Small Towns Creating Opportunities: Investing in People Workshop Report (Johnny R., John M., Jim V., Sally C., Michelle G., Willie G., Charles C., Tommy C., Shearlie M. in Red Springs, May 23rd)

Ø Review Each Strategy Statement: Framing Your Strategy

Ø Organize subcommittees
• Identify subcommittee chairs
• Expand to include additional community members
• Share names w/leadership team to avoid duplication
• Invite to next subcommittee meeting

Ø Prioritize Projects
Ø Presentation to Town Board (coach)

VI. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Monday, July 18, 2011

Red Springs NC STEP Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2011
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

Willie Goodyear welcomed the group. 

Chilton: recap (See paperwork from Chilton)

Announcements:  CAP materials passed out


1. NC Rec & Park Assoc. w/ BC/BC.
Michelle Wells, MPA, CPRP
Program Director
NC Recreation & Park Association 
883 Washington St. Raleigh NC 27605

2. Changing Lives, Impacting Communities
Tessa Eliza thraves 
Community-based food systems Coordinator
Center for Environmental Farming Systems 

3.    FED money to improve environment


5. Announcement: Town oriented: Talent Enhancement Capacity  Blding w/shop June 30th

State of NC Workforce Report -
read executive summary.
This study measured metropolitan areas, micropolitan areas, rural areas.  College and beyond - you need skills, be certified and credentials, credit scores, drug tests...Migration levels increased and more

Meeting continues:

First Tuesday of every month is our town council meeting. At a future town meeting, Chilton will present to them and prepare them for our economic plan. This to prevent any future bumps in the road. 

Donna Sullivan: tech assistant for Eastern North Carolina Authority  broadband. She helps develop strategies, develop literacy, centers etc. They map infrastructure across the state and supply it to the FED Gov. Their organization will sunset, but funds for technical assistance will go to Dept. Of Commerce. 

Strategy Statement Review:
Framing Your Strategy (form)
This information goes to the Rural Center for approval. 

** Bob H. reported on Broadening Education
** Johnny R. reported on aesthetics 
** Caroline S. reported on Leadership
** Kim P. reported on Entrepreneurship
** Last mile internet James M. reported

Guest speaker about Internet: Donna Sullivan has thumb drive of information on Broadband availability... If we wanted a wifi area the town would pay, it would be free for businesses.

** Willie reported on Philanthropy, Tim introduced study done by Center for Community Action

What followed were some discussion with Chilton on "how this process works".

Question about our upcoming process: Can the town can change our strategies?
Answer: No, not really.

Question: How will strategies be implemented?
Answer: Our strategies will be implemented consecutively with others.

BUT we need to get the strategies first...strategies help us identify issues that need to be addressed. 

Work in strategy subcommittees now to identify STRATEGIES
Elect co-chairs
Add'l members to invite
Schedule next meetings
Developing projects

Diet: philosophy on food = Vision
Meals: simple or complex   =   Strategies
Individual dishes. =  Individual dishes (how do we make it)
Recipe & ingredients = Project template

When we meet next:

1.  Frame Our Strategies - Chilton will take these to the town so they must be complete.
2.  Brainstorm ideas for projects
3.  Start working with project templates (DO NOT COMPLETE TEMPLATES)
4.  Invite new individuals & organizations to join in


By the end of the evening, there were 4 Strategies identified instead of 6. 
Meeting dates were established for the following groups: 

June 29:
1. Entrepreneurial Economy
2. Broadening Educational Opportunities

June 30:
3. Leadership Pipeline
4. Aesthetics

We will meet at 6:30 each night. A light dinner will be served at 6:15. 

MAY 16, 2011

1. Broadening Educational Opportunities for traditional and nontraditional students

Jim, Callie, Anika, Margie, John L.

2. Remake Red Springs into an Entrepreneurial Economy -- Identify and partner with the community supports that help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed (heavy reliance on SE Entrepreneurial Alliance (Kim P.), ElectriCities and chamber) – Utilize Hispanic mentors as a focus of support – and Market the Red Spring itself.

Kim P., Willie G., Eva, Brandy, Bob Mc

3. Establish a Leadership Pipeline for future community and business leaders

Kim P., Willie G., Tim H., Johnny

4. Bring the “Last Mile” of high speed, fiber optic internet service to Red Springs and make it accessible and affordable for all its citizens (e-NC assistance – Donna Sullivan)

John Mc, Chubb

5. Expand Philanthropy (NC Gives example)

Margie, Frances,Bob M., Michelle G.. John Mc,Caroline, Chub H., Neil M., Elma, Chris, Jimmy, Tim

6. Enhance the Beautification and Aesthetics of Red Springs to make it a more attractive place for people to live, work and play – and boost community pride

Dale M., Eva, Michelle, Candace, Johnny

May 23, 2011 Red Springs Hosts: Small Towns Creating Opportunities: Agenda


Small Towns Creating Opportunities: Investing in People

Monday, May 23, 2011
Red Springs Community Center
122 Cross St.
Red Springs, NC

9:00 a.m.                Registration, coffee, set up

10:00 a.m.              Welcome – Mayor John McNeil
                             Overview of the Day – Art Jackson, Director, NC STEP
                             Introductions – Chilton Rogers, NC STEP Head Coach

10:20 a.m.              Moving toward Implementation of Strategies – Chilton

10:40 a.m.           Connecting People on the Economic Margins to Planned     Opportunities – Yolanda Burwell, Senior Fellow
Noon                       Lunch (working)

1:00 p.m.                         Reporting out from Towns

2:00 p.m.              Presentation by Asset Builders in the Region
                                      Katina Perry, Benefit Bank
                                      Bob McKee, GATE
                                      Kim Pevia, SE Entrepreneurship Alliance

2:45 p.m.              Wrap Up and  Evaluation  (Survey Monkey)

3:00 p.m.             Closing & Adjourn

NOTE: In attendance for Red Springs:
John McNeil, Jim Vaughn, Sally Cobb, Barbara Melvin, Michelle Gaitley, Charles Chrestman, Willie Goodyear and Johnny Robertson

May 16, 2011 - STEP Meeting - Agenda, Minutes, Framing Your Strategy Paper, Red Springs Strategy Discussion Paper

MONDAY, MAY 16, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Announcements – STEP Co-chair Willie Goodyear

v REDI Report – Johnny Robertson

II. Economic Development Strategies

Ø Consensus on Strategies – Strategy Discussion Paper

III. Strategy Subcommittee Structure

Ø Establish subcommittees
• Identify subcommittee chairs
• Identify members
• Expand to include additional community members
• Invite to next meeting for orientation and to begin project

Ø Draft strategy implementation statement – See “Framing Your Strategy”

IV. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Thursday, June 20, 2011

Minutes of STEP Meeting May 16, 2011 with Chilton Rogers
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie, Secretary

1.Willie Goodyear opened and welcomed new people.

2. Chilton began and everyone introduced themselves.
Chilton discussed Mission statement and Vision statement were passed around the

Annoucements :
A. Wastewater workshop / physical infrastructure

B. STEP Spring Training workshop will be in RS from 10-2 is full. SMALL Towns
Creating Opportunities. 3 New publications.
Living on the Margins:
Rural NC in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
Asset-building Strategies for the Low-income Families
A Guidebook for Connecting Individuals to Opportunity

Johnny report on REDI

1) Strategy Discussion Paper  (SEE BELOW)
Consensus on Strategies

2) Framing Your Strategy
Strategic subcommittees

3) project development

Proposed Discussion...

1) Broadening Educational Opportunities - skill delivery in relevant & interesting ways.
Community Access. Library part of county system as of July.

2) Remake RS into an entrepreneurial economy - community supports already in place.
Use the Red Spring and market Red Springs.Hispanic mentors a focus of support. Kim,
ElectricCities and Chamber should be a part.

3) Leadership Pipeline

4) "Last Mile" broadband - Donna Sullivan e-NC

(Note: send community assessment to new people)

5) Expand philanthropy - NC Gives

6) Beautification & Aesthetics


Kim Pevia- Regional Coordinator, Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is about building upon lessons of the past. What do you want to do?
Vision is needed.

Jim Stella - ElectricCities, Retail Development Specialist
Share business ideas within the community. Get business plans together. Get
established businesses to support new businesses.
Mentors needed.

*Broadening Education
Jim Vaughn
Callie Smith
Frances Patterson
Kim P

*Remake Red Springs thru e-ship

Kim P
Bob M
John mcN
Bob Mc

Tim H


*"last mile"
John mcN
Jimmy Melvin


* Philanthropy

Groups will meet and develop a strategy statement. To answer what this mean for RS.
Use Strategy Development - Framing your strategy. form. Final document should be
about 1/2 page long.

Group will meet June 9 & 16 @ 6 pm for dinner. Meeting starts at 6:30. We may have a
change of venue if Community room is booked.

During these meetings folks will develop strategies. Send completed strategy
documents to Margie/Johnny and we will forward to Chilton.
Chilton Will compile and bring to next monthly STEP meeting on June 20th which is a

Only 3 more months until we finish!



Red Springs Strategy Discussion Paper
NC STEP Program
May 16, 2011

At the last Red Springs STEP Leadership Team meeting held on Monday, April 18th, 2011, discussion focused on two subjects: (1) Red Springs’ Community Assessment, especially the matrix of assets and constraints to growing and sustaining a local economy, and (2) strategy development. The Community Assessment is the second deliverable required by the NC Rural Center during the planning phase of the STEP program (the first being the Community Profile).

The Matrix of Assets and Constraints in the Red Springs Community Assessment was the springboard for brainstorming potential economic development strategies for the town. The team was asked to look for broad strategies and themes that stood out to them. What patterns did they see by matching the asset or constraint about their community with one or more of the “six paths to growing an economy?”

To think about the viability of potential strategies, several questions were put to the Leadership Team to consider as they discussed possibilities:

v What’s possible and/or doable for the town and the leadership team to accomplish?

v What are the opportunities presented by the strategy (i.e., what assets support it)?

v What are the weaknesses of it (i.e., what barriers constrain it)?

v Who is the target audience? (audiences)

v What are the goals of this strategy – what is it supposed to accomplish?

v If you were to move to Red Springs, what would you look for?

v What business support strategies make the most sense?

v What community development and civic engagement initiatives need to be in place or happen to reach your target audience(s)?

The following is a summary of the strategy identification discussion:

1) Concentrate on broadening educational opportunities in Red Springs for traditional and non-traditional students. Given that the graduation rate in Red Springs sits at 69% and that 21st century jobs require more and different educational attainment (plus computer literacy skills) for the community to be economically competitive, much discussion centered on skill delivery. That is, how can the young and/or unemployed people in the Red Springs area get the training they need to get or create a good job without being “turned off?”

Questions such as:

v What can the STEP leadership team do to help keep kids in school and graduate?

v What can the STEP leadership team do to help get those out of school retrained with the skills and/or certifications necessary for them to either get better jobs or create ones for themselves?

v To what degree does the community value education? How can this be improved?

Current delivery systems are not attractive nor do they have the equipment and resources necessary -- and young people want a place to go to hang out, learn, and access state of the art equipment and high speed internet connection. Robeson Community College (RCC), UNC-P, the K-12 school system, 4-H, NC REAL (Note: Is this available in Red Springs or through RCC?), and the Boys and Girls Club offer alternative educational opportunities in the Red Springs area, however, the offerings are not coordinated nor are they delivered in a format that young people like – or that seem relevant to them.

Could there be a central location where all these modalities intersect and the content is youth driven or directed? Could the STEP team coordinate offerings and re-format them around interactive and creative activities as well as vocational training so young people would have a central place to meet and gather after school -- and those currently not in school could also participate?

2) Remake Red Springs into an entrepreneurial economy. Under present economic conditions, and even before the Great Recession hit, Red Springs lacked many good, well-paying jobs. In the 21st economy, the traditional factory job is a thing of the past – and the skills one learned to succeed then are not enough and don’t match the job requirements of today. In fact, the reality is that many people must create their own livelihoods and supporting entrepreneurship is a viable economic development strategy in today’s economic climate.

When thinking about this, what community supports need to be in place for small businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed? The Red Springs community has access to the Small Business Center and entrepreneurship classes at RCC, and a near-by SCORE chapter for one-on-one business consultations and mentoring. A chamber of commerce is also active in Red Springs. Can the STEP leadership team partner with existing business support organizations and muster additional resources to create the  conditions to support a culture of entrepreneurship in the community?

More is needed than individual technical support. Entrepreneurs must be nurtured and grown. Will the established business community welcome and nurture new businesses and help them succeed? Will young people be encouraged to start businesses and be given the advice, mentorship and resources for them to try out new ideas and grow their ventures? Are there business opportunities with nearby military installations that local businesses can capitalize on? The Rural Center’s Institute for Rural Entrepreneurship has a wealth of resources and experience to help communities develop a support system for entrepreneurs and is available for assistance if this is a strategy the Red Springs STEP leadership team wishes to pursue.

3) Establish a leadership pipeline for future community and business leaders. The group referenced the need to cultivate new leaders but it wasn’t fleshed out in detail.

4) Bring the “last mile” of high speed, fiber optic internet service to Red Springs.

Is downtown wireless? Can people and businesses access high speed internet connections affordably? Do students have access to high speed internet and state of the art computers, web tools and applications? The e-NC Authority is working on protocols to help communities bring broadband infrastructure to their citizens and businesses and has assigned a technical specialist to the Red Springs area. Like the Institute for Rural Entrepreneurship, this organization is ready and willing to lend assistance. Adequate broadband infrastructure is not a luxury; it is a requirement for success and competitiveness in the 21st economy.

Regardless of what potential strategies are finally decided upon, several questions to always keep in mind are:

•What are the types of jobs that will be created with this strategy?

•Are the people in the community equipped with the necessary skills?

•Will the STEP leadership team and community see the strategy through to fruition?

The discussion also touched upon amenities and quality of life attributes that make a community an attractive location and a desirable place to live. Thus, cultural, educational and community development are also important for the town’s success. For example, improving recreational facilities and programs can be a key component to making the community more family-friendly and a more desirable location for people to live.

Red Springs’ vision statement and the several possible strategies touched upon above suggest a number of possible strategies for its economic development efforts. The town is poised to capitalize on its assets, overcome barriers and to reinvigorate itself, if it adopts appropriate strategies, develops relevant projects and pursues them with sufficient vigor and intensity.


Whatever specific projects the Leadership Team develops under each strategy, its first priority is to its current local citizens to better their circumstances for the long term, specifically improving the level of income and job capacity of the community. Local citizens, as members of the NC STEP Leadership Team, will be the ones to support and implement the economic development plan using the assets and resources the community currently possesses and muster others. Especially at the early stages of strategy implementation, most of the work will be done by the Leadership Team and members of the strategy subcommittees. As capacity builds and additional investments are made, more resources will be leveraged from inside and outside the community, but it must always be remembered that the community itself is ultimately responsible for the success of its efforts.

Once a consensus of the selected strategies among the STEP Leadership Team has been reached (scheduled for our May meeting), subcommittees will be formed under each strategic area. Co-chairs and subcommittee members will be identified and recruited, and a schedule established for the subcommittees to meet for the purpose of identifying and developing projects. Each subcommittee will meet on its own to complete its task. Project templates have been developed to help in this process and will be introduced once the leadership team has chosen its economic development strategies.

April 19, 2011 STEP Minutes

STEP Meeting April 19, 2011

Mayor McNeill welcomed everyone

1) May 23 STEP workshops 10AM - 3:00pm
What will we need to do? Chilton will send info.

2) Sustainability article - turn into PDF to email
Take time to browse through the NC Rural center, RC Resource Guide,

3)See small Towns/ Big Ideas & Rural Reserve guide.

4) Collect visioning exercise

Johnny reports on REDI:
Rural Economic Development Institute - Leadership is key. Leaders are made, not born.
Civic infrastructure
Physical infrastructure
Work force development
Business development

5) Community Assessment program - see handout "A"

"Projects come and go, strategies remain."

For each strategy:

1) what's possible / doable
2) what are opportunities presented by and in place for this strategy
3) what are weaknesses
4) who is the target audience? Think about economic development? What do people want and need?

5) what are the strategy's goals? What is it supposed to accomplish?

If you were to move to Red Springs what would you look for?

What kind of business strategies make the most sense?

Chilton will type up notes and give to Johnny.

May meeting we will decide on strategies.
There will be a public meeting to discuss what is going to happen.
We will develop projects based on this.

March 21 Step Meeting Agenda, Minutes + blank Visioning Statement

MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions – STEP Co-chair Willie Goodyear

II. Review of Community Assessment Worksheets & Thought Sheet (Exercises 2, 3 & 4)
III. Vision Review and Visioning Exercise (Work in Sub-groups)

Red Springs is a thriving, energetic, warm, robust, family-oriented town; one that cares for the needs of all its citizens; a place everyone can call home.  Ours is a progressive community committed to excellence in education and continuously working to improve our quality of life through beautification, environmental amenities and exceptional delivery of public services.  Culturally diverse, we embrace our rich heritage as we work in unity and with respect seeking economic opportunities for continued progress and prosperity. 

IV. Next Steps:

            Presentation of Community Assessment

            Begin Strategy Identification

 V. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Monday, April 18, 2011

Minutes of the STEP Meeting for
March 21 Step Meeting Chilton Rogers

Willie Goodyear - welcome

Community Announcements - Margie: DCC at UNCP on April 2 and Street Fest April 16


2 Books going into Town Hall (Online if needed too)

1. References & Strategies for towns:
Small Towns BIG IDEAS, Case Studies in Small Town Development

2. North Carolina Rural Resource Guide from The Rural Center

Article from Reynolds Price.

STEP subcommittee meeting reports: Chilton will summarize.

Beginning Strategy Identification


1.Visioning Statement. Use visioning worksheet. Johnny has electronically and anyone can get it from him.

2. Reference Burnesville/Yancey 2011/2021

February 20th, 2011 - Minutes - Reports on 6 Paths.

Red Springs NC STEP Meeting Minutes February 20th, 2011
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

Welcome by Willie Goodyear
Announcements: Chilton Rogers

1. Johnny Robertson will attend REDI.  Congratulations Johnny!
2.  CAP program, Governor Purdue announced  $46 million coming into the state from the Federal government.
3.  Resourceful Communities workshops coming for Project planning and grant writing. March 15-16th in Goldsborogh.

Reports on 6 Paths.

Group 1  Chub Henderson reported

Group 2   Michele Gaitley reported

Group 3 - Johnny and Neil

Final announcements and instructions from Chilton:

Do:  Community Assessment Thought Sheet
Exercises 2-3
To be done by groups:
What do you want the town to be known for?
What did the town used to be?
Opportunities to cooperate (with neighbors) regionally

Community Assessment Worksheet, Assets & Challenges

If groups have time they can add into this section: Community Assessment Exercise: Social, Political, Environmental & Economic.

JANUARY 20, 2011: Agenda followed by Minutes

AGENDA followed by Minutes
MONDAY, JAN. 20, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Announcements – STEP Leadership Team Co-Chair Willie Goodyear


II. Sustaining and Growing the Local Economy Review -- Chilton Rogers

III. Six Paths to Growing the Local Economy Worksheets – STEP Leadership Team

Break into Groups
Choose a Reporter for Each Group
Set up Subsequent Group Meeting (share email addresses)
Work the Worksheets
Report on Each Group’s Discussion & Results

Cap off Economic Development Worksheets:
-- Community Assessment Worksheets & Thought Sheet

IV. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Monday, Feb. 21, 2011


1. Introductions of folks in the room

2. REDI. Folks need to apply asap- leadership training

3. Funding our Rural Future - setting up funds for economic development

4. Review of the Economic and Demographic Scan done in December meeting.

5 break into 3 groups, Chilton will choose
1. Choose recorder for brainstorming
2.  Share contact info so we can meet further
3. Report later in the meeting

I will randomly assign our other leadership team members to 1 of the 3 groups with Chilton.

Retain & expand expanding businesses... Until 7:50

Assets & resources...
Example: buy local campaign; group marketing effort for businesses; training programs for customer services

Assets... How do any of these things help or endanger business?
What can we do? What's possible?

Sewer plant
Water need newer lines
Natural gas- where does it go?
RR, shortline  could be operational
Population in RS and w/in 6 miles
Car traffic, travelers to...
Room to grow, lots of land
Trucker traffic - where could we put them
Geography - convenience for shopping, But chain stores

aging population asset & liability
Car dealerships

Flora MacDonald, botanical garden

We have RED SPRING!!!

Schools - Peterson, middle school is improving,
Churches - give place for people to go
Broadband ability w/ expansion of less expensive coming

History museum - Arts council
New health care center
Fitness center

Limited retail outlets (before '78 you could succeed)

Zoning needed to legally do code enforcement

December 13 STEP Leadership Team meeting

AGENDA, (Hand outs with assignments follow)
MONDAY, DEC. 13, 2010
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Announcements – Willie Goodyear, Co-Chair

II. Presentation of Red Springs Vision Statement – Willie Goodyear, Tony White

III. Red Springs and Robeson County Economic & Demographic Scan – Chilton Rogers

(Break into 3 groups for Exercise 1: Sustaining & Growing the Local Economy in
preparation for next leadership team meeting)

V. Discussion, Questions & Wrap Up

VI. Next Meeting – Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011
(Notice this is different – MLK Day falls on our regularly scheduled meeting date)

Sustaining and Growing the Local Economy
Subcommittee Analysis of Assets and Limiting Factors

Tonight the Leadership Team will divide into three (3) subcommittees. Each

subcommittee will be assigned two of the six paths to sustaining and growing the local economy.

Your task, between now and the next full STEP Leadership Team meeting, is to meet with your

subcommittee, probably two or three times, to assess the potential for successfully pursuing each

of your two assigned paths to grow your local economy. You will look at and list as many assets

and limiting factors as your group can identify for each path. Once your list is complete, spend a

little time assessing the potential for pursuing a development strategy related to each path.

Your group will report to the full Team on at the next STEP meeting, and we will have

general discussion of each of the six paths. Our objective is to eventually identify a number of

strategies with potential for helping grow your local economy. Following determination of

strategies, we will begin the process of identifying and evaluating specific projects within the

strategy areas.

Please select a subcommittee chairperson/spokesperson to:

1. Schedule and moderate meetings,

2. Produce (or assign someone to produce) a subcommittee report, and

3. Lead discussion of your two paths during the next STEP meeting.


Sustaining and Growing the Local Economy - (below is the information requested on the handouts.)

Small towns and rural areas generally have a close economic relationship with their surrounding
region, especially larger urban areas within a couple of hours driving distance. Unfortunately for the
small town, the relationship with neighboring urban areas is almost always unbalanced, with income
from the small town leaking out to the urban area to purchase goods and services, either not available
or with limited choice in the small town. The challenge for the small town is to increase its income and
reduce the proportion that is spent in neighboring urban markets.
Let’s explore six potential paths to sustaining and growing the local economy. In each case, our
objective is to identify assets and resources that increase the potential for local success and the
limitations and constraints on that avenue for development. The six paths are:
1. Retain and expand existing businesses.
2. Improve local linkages and reduce leakage of income out of the community.
3. Create new businesses through supporting entrepreneurship.
4. Increase earnings outside the community (commuting to work).
5. Capture more unearned dollars.
6. Attract more outside investment.
Consider each of the six alternatives, first focusing on aspects of the community that would
increase the likelihood of success, then focusing on aspects of the community that would decrease the
likelihood of success. There will likely be considerable overlap of both assets and limiting factors across
the six areas.

1. Retain and Expand Existing Businesses

Think about the businesses that already exist in the community and consider which types of
business may be in danger, which are likely to continue at approximately their current size, and which
may have potential to grow. Then begin listing positive and negative factors in the appropriate column

2. Improve Local Linkages and Reduce Leakage of Income Out of the Community
Think about where local businesses and residents spend their money. Do businesses buy
inputs from outside the community? Where do you and other residents make various types of
purchases? List factors the support and discourage local linkages in the appropriate column.

3. Create New Businesses through Supporting Entrepreneurship

Some people in the community may have ideas and a desire to start new businesses,
but may not have sufficient business knowledge, sufficient resources, understanding of their potential
market or willingness to take risk to encourage them to actually start a business. What assets does the
community have, or have access to, that would be important for starting an entrepreneurship support
program, and what are the limiting factors? List positive and negative factors in the appropriate column

4. Increase Earnings from Commuting to Work outside the Community

Should unemployed and underemployed residents be encouraged and given support to
find employment in neighboring markets? Does your community have the potential to attract new
residents who will continue to work in surrounding markets? What makes the community desirable
and appropriate as a place to live while working elsewhere? List positive and negative factors in the
appropriate column below.

5. Capture More Unearned Dollars

Income can come from many sources in addition to earnings. Unearned dollars may include such
sources as social security, pensions and investment income for individuals as well as grants to local
governments and not-for-profit organizations. What makes your community an attractive place for
retirees or families living on income from investments? What is your community’s potential for
obtaining grant funds? List positive and negative factors in the appropriate column below.

6. Attract More outside Investment

The typical form of outside investment that economic developers and communities pursue is
relocation of manufacturing plants, establishment of a new plant when a firm expands beyond its
current location, relocation or establishment of new call centers or distribution centers and other
major capital expansions when businesses grow. Other possibilities could be government offices, not-for-
profit headquarters and start-up businesses. Every community has characteristics that make it more or
less likely to attract outside investment. Identify your community’s assets and constraints and list them
in the appropriate column below.

November 15, 2010 STEP Meeting Minutes

Red Springs NC STEP Meeting Minutes November 15, 2010
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

Reports on E2 and Rural Partners meetings by Margie Labadie and Johnny Robertson

Community Profile shown to group – narrative still needed.

Tony White & Willie Goodyear will redo vision statement into a paragraph

Community Assessment will be done in 4 meetings.


What are other people around us doing and how can we collaborate?


A. Gregg Cummings-- markets to incoming companies

Marketing: I-95, industrial sites, location, population I74, I-20 BRAC Population in 45 miles They have info on crime rates, education levels deep water ports, Wilmington, Charleston, Norfolk -- Deal with incentives to get industries to come here.

B. Jan Maynor -- Council of Governments
Serves 5 counties, 35 local governments

1. Workforce development, training, retraining, "all about green" green construction Sustainable farms, Youth Services, adult service
2. Aging, meals on wheels, caregivers assistance, home care, respite care, grandparents voucher program for school supplies, ombudsman for nursing homes, Senior employment program (!)
3. Technical assistance, recreation plan, PRTF- parks, recreation funding.
"Planning process is more important than end result". MUST get everyone involved.
4. Rural transportation authority
5. Code enforcement.
6. Housing program, emergency housing from tornado/hurricane 7. Water studies, water supplies, com tech park Note:County planning starting -strategy planning if we need to know how to do something, call them

C. Joe Melvin: Marketing Robeson Cty, NC Southeast, economic development
Regional Partnership, subset of Dept commerce, their job is to meet people and convince them to come here. So he makes Red Springs different to make people want to be here.

1. Market SE NC as ideal location
2. Create jobs
3. Generate Investment to keep taxes low
Partnerships with Red Springs, Tredegar
Logistics, I-95
Labor, is the workforce ready
Love, unity and desire

D. Sylvia Pate, UNCP Regional Center - see brochure

1. Community development
2. Strategic Planning
3. Studies, profile
4. Entrepreneurship and regional development (Kim Pevia)
5. Youth Development
6. Professional development

E. Bob Moore, SBC at RCC
"What makes industry stay? Good things for their children."

1. 90% of his work is with entrepreneurs
2. Make new jobs/retain jobs
3. Private no fee counceling
4. 1-5 million dollars in loans
5. Free Seminars on credit and debt

Wrap up and picture for paper.

Agenda and Minutes: October 18, 2010

(with Chilton Rogers)
MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

1.  Welcome & Announcements – STEP Leadership Team Co-chair Willie Goodyear

2.  Report on Kick-Off & Survey Results – Committee/Margie  (Kick-off 9/25/10)

3.  Report on STEP Peer Learning Meeting (Candor, Oct. 7th) – Johnny & Margie

4.  Presentation of Community Profile – Committee

5.  Self-Assessment of Resources for Sustaining & Growing Your Local Economy – Coach

6.  Vision Statement

7.  Next Meeting – Monday, Nov. 15, 2010





Minutes of the NC-STEP Meeting on October 18, 2010
with Chilton Rogers
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

Approximately 35 people were in attendance including the following: Coach: Chilton Rogers; NC-STEP core committee: Chub Henderson, Willie Goodyear,  Margie Labadie, Barbara Melvin, Johnny Robertson; from the Town of Red Springs government: Mayor John McNeill, Town Manager Tony White; citizens of our community including: Robert Hollingsworth, Jerry Patterson, Alex Alexander, Neil Guin, Dan Ryberg, Michelle Gaitley, Mrs. Edward Henderson, Terry Powers and many other wonderful folks!!!!!

1) Introductions were made and a sign-in sheet passed around for all to note their contact information.

2) Kick-Off Report
    Margie Labadie: Synopsis of suggestion board
    NOTE: The suggestions list will be attached and emailed to all
    Johnny Robertson: Assessment: Though attendance was low, we plan to have     another event in a year and see the change

3) Report on STEP Regional Peer Learning meeting in Candor on Oct. 7th       
    Margie Labadie: Suggestions from other towns:

1. Electronic phone tree to call your committee and your citizens. Good for emergencies etc.
2. We discussed involvement of mayors and town mgr support.
3. Downtown Development Association -(DDA has a $95 / yr subscription)
4. Use comparison of towns to put pressure on making things better via competition
5. Mixed use of downtown bldgs and get an inventory of vacant buildings; Challenges of building reuse     and leveraging funds.
6. Do a survey of high school students
7. Make people stop, billboard
8. Use your art community
9. Create a newsletter for the town
10. Fix up green spaces, parks for healthful living
11. Outdoor space/theater/farmers market
12. Let the citizens drive your process
13. Environment for businesses to succeed. Create business incubators.
14. Community centers: importance & uses for; improvise w/ partnerships, collaborate w/ community     colleges and universities
15. Create strategies!!!!!!

ADDITIONAL NOTES:  Look into GATE: entrepreneurship (don miller)
**resourceful communities program conservation fund, leadership development, including land use, they have partners,  expenses paid

4) Dan Ryberg: Have Youth Council from RS bring students into STEP

5) Chilton: Community profile report due before November 15 - Johnny / Margie / other photographers please!!! Everyone contribute and send electronic images to Margie Labadie at

6) Johnny will send out announcement for next meeting with Robeson County economic planners

7) Chilton: Everyone filled out the Survey tool to rate some of the communities attributes.

8) Chilton: Vision statement - group results will be edited into a 1/2 page paragraph
Shirley, Dan, Tony, Minnie, Bob, Chub, Willie

Announcement from the Mayor to please meet at the JR Jones, Grain Bin for an important announcement on Tuesday, October 19th.

Meeting adjourned 

NC STEP Kick-off Suggestion Board Summary

Below is a list of suggestions grouped sort of by idea, written by our
fellow citizens at
the STEP-Kickoff event on September 25th, 2010.
Slight corrections  made for better understanding only.
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie.

*community park
*have fun activities for families
*make a water park like Laurinburg has*a pool
*more places that are fun
*Good parks
*A building for the youth to get them off the streets
*Open a teen center for the youth
*Start a venturing program for the girls and boys of our community
*better after school programs for the children after school and weekends
*after school programs:  story-telling, reading, art, music and dance
*More things for the kids to do around town
*get a skateboard park
*Town needs swimming pool for public use & on duty lifeguard during summer
*Youth center
*Better up keep on the public playgrounds for young families
*better Parks and Recs
*A  lego store
*Sports; more activities
*Youth based community activities
*a youth center for ages 10-18 yrs on weekends & after school
*better parks and recreational activities
*Red Springs needs another major outlet, including sports or game rooms to give children something to do
*more fun things, like a Street Fair every month

*leadership seminars
*regular community events
*places to meet that are comfortable and friendly
*Movie theater
*more department stores

*bring in new restaurants (food)
*better dining options
*Coffee shop, community meeting area
*there needs to be more places to eat
*we need at least 1 good restaurant in town
*Restaurant and evening event (have in community center)

*Reduced noise large trucks coming through city limit
*beautify town
*get rid of all the abandoned houses in the city limits
*offer assistance for run down home at 106 East Brown Ave. Any assistance please
*parking lot at Family Dollar and Maxway has huge pot holes that need to be fixed
*cleaner places
* blighted neighborhood; demo abandoned buildings; enforce debris removal
*include more community info on town sign. (intersection of main and 4th)
*work on ‘patric house’ (?) at 215 East 6th Avenue
*clean up street on Grantham, Haywood, Brooklyn St. Clean up debris on street
*Remove uninhabitable abandoned buildings
*deserted homes and buildings in town need to be remodeled or town down
*Better places and cleaner
*Keep RS clean & green
*revitalize downtown area
*clean the town
*spray weeds on line area. to kill not cut.
*widen the main street; make parking lot for cars

*we need more job fairs
*Make jobs, more entrepreneurial thing
*More jobs!
*incentives for new businesses
*we need some jobs around Red Springs. *open some of these plant up. need job.
*need industry in town to provide jobs-our children are leaving and don’t come back here.
get money for unemployed, able people be paid to help fix up old houses and tear down others
*we need to open up some of the plants so people can go to work
*Youth employment project “rent a kid”
Get a solar panel industry in town!

*create a community garden

*high electric rates need to be addressed
*address extremely high electric bills
* Lower taxes / power bills

*community watch
*get crime off streets and have quicker emergency response in the town when needed.
*Help more elderly with programs for their home and with crime in the neighborhoods(1)
*Keep troubled youth off the streets - steer them in a better direction

*Help more elderly with programs for their home and with crime in the neighborhoods(2)
* come through Henley Street fixing up homes for senior citizens
*help disabled with housing repair

*More teacher, parent and community involvement. together we stand
*Red Springs needs to help the community by helping people
* More sports (stories) about the kids in the newspaper

*these ideas are nice (drawn heart shape!)
*people getting to know people is where it begins!
*Together-Lets get R.S. moving. written by J.McNeil, Mayor
*rethink what we already have

(2) same suggestion put in two categories: elderly and crime

NC STEP Kick-off with entertainment, fun & a GIANT suggestion board!

9/13/10 and 9/20/10: These are: Agenda STEP Planning group meeting / STEP minutes

Minutes of the NC-STEP Meeting on 9-20-10 with Chilton Rogers

In attendance (this is not a complete list): Chilton Rogers, Sally Cobb, Dan Ryberg, the Major, Neil Guin, Chub Henderson, Willie Goodyear, Alex Alexander, Michelle, Margie Labadie, Johnny Robertson

1) Housekeeping: Discussion of Upcoming Events for members to attend.
STEP Regional Peer Learning, Candor, Oct. 7th;
Energizing Entrepreneurship, Windsor, Oct. 21st; and
the Rural Partners Forum, Raleigh, Nov. 4 & 5.
2)  Discussion on Leadership Committee mission statement. Final decision:

“The Red Springs NC STEP Leadership Committee is a group of committed citizens working to serve, enrich, and empower the greater Red Springs community by investing today for tomorrow’s prosperity through sustainable economic development.

★      Entertainment: Tony White: sound system; Flat bed; 2:15 - Opening remarks by Mayor and RS High School marching band
★      2:30 - Working on it
★      3:00 - Working on it
★      3:30 - Acoustic Set by local artist - I've heard CD, very good
★      4:00 - 5:15 The Optimist Band
★      5:30 - 6:45 - The Van Hoy Band

✦Johnny will call Methodist church re parking
✦High School band National Anthem; Beta Club will help with food, National Student
✦Willie Goodyear- Invitations have been sent.
✦Margie will give Johnny/Willie the poster file ASAP.
✦Mayor can welcome everyone
✦Pastors have been asked to MC
✦Food:  hotdogs, chile, slaw, chicken bog, BBT water, RSHSociety sodas
✦Johnny to send Tim email about sodas
✦Gas grill - from the Ruritan Club?
✦Food - will be served at 4 PM.
✦Idea board - will be up the whole time; put questions on the board for jumping off points
✦Pictures - Yearbook staff from the high school.

4) Community Profile - due October 18th. Photos due then. This groups includes Alec/Johnny will do written community statements; Photos by Ed Henderson Jr., Tim Heath, Jennifer Reese, Margie and John Labadie (Note: There are more members on this committee.)

5) Activity:  Community Score Card / 20 Clues for Rural Community Survival; An Annotated List Broke into two groups. Score card results below:

Agenda STEP Planning 9/13/10

6:30 PM

Welcome and introductions – Willie Goodyear

Reports on planned activities

A – call on Tony White for entertainment report
B – Confirm event layout – Margie
C – Confirm food options
D – Discuss promotion ideas
E – Discuss sign up of new team members
F –  “idea board”
G – Activities for the event
H – other topics

Action Steps needed - Willie
Other business
Next meeting 9/20 at 6:30 with Chilton Rogers



110 East Third Ave.
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.

1.  Welcome – STEP Leadership Team Co-chair: Willie Goodyear

2.  Introductions – NC STEP Coach Chilton Rogers

3.  Overview, Purpose and Expectations of the NC STEP Planning Process

4.  Report from Kick-Off Planning Committee      (Sept. 25th 2-7 pm)

5.  Two Tasks:

A.  Creating a Team Mission Statement

B.  Developing a Community Profile – Committee established

6.  Identify Who Is Missing from Leadership Team – Group discussion

     Fill the Gaps in Representation – Volunteers to reach out to community constituencies

7.  Next Steps:

            A.  Drafting a Vision Statement

            B.  Foundation for Community Assessment

            C. Confirm Planning Meeting for Kick-Off

8. Next Meeting: Monday, Sept. 20, 2010

NC STEP Orientation and Announcement Ceremony Agenda

This is the NC Rural Center Agenda that representatives from Red Springs attended. Representing Red Springs: Willie Goodyear, Edward Henderson, Johnny Robertson, Barbara Melvin, Margie Labadie, Robert Canida.

NC STEP Orientation and Announcement Ceremony

June 8 & 9, 2010
NC Rural Center
4021 Carya Dr., Raleigh, NC

June 8

1:00 – 1:45 p.m.          Welcome and Introductions (icebreaker) (Art)

1:45 – 2:15 p.m.          STEP Background and Purpose (Jason?, Art?, Misty?, Chilton?)

2:15 – 2:45 p.m.          Experiences of STEP Communities (Community members)

2:45 – 3:00 p.m.          Rural Center Program Overview (Misty, other RC staff?)

3:00 – 3:15 p.m.          Q & A, Instructions for Ceremony (Art, Misty)

3:15 – 4:00 p.m.          Break/Networking

Awards Ceremony

4:00 – 4:10 p.m.          Welcome & opening remarks (Billy Ray Hall)

4:10 – 4:20 p.m.          Remarks from Speaker Hackney

4:20 – 4:35 p.m.          Remarks from Governor Perdue

4:35 – 4:40 p.m.          Brief overview of NC STEP (Art Jackson)

4:40 – 4:50 p.m.          Testimonials from NC STEP communities (Lansing, Bayboro)

4:50 – 5:00 p.m.          Presentation of certificates/photos

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.          Reception

June 9
Orientation Continued

  9:00 – 9:15 a.m.        Welcome/Introductions and Objectives (Art or Misty)

  9:15 – 9:45 a.m.        Reporting (Misty, Nicole, Barbara)

  9:45 – 10:00 a.m.      Kickoff and Banner (Art)

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.      Overview of Planning Process (Chilton, STEP communities)

11:00 – 11:15 a.m.      Break

11:15 – 12:30 p.m.      Building Inclusive Community Leadership Teams (Yolanda)

12:30 – 1:00 p.m.        Lunch and Networking

  1:00 – 1:15 p.m.        Wrap Up/Closing (Possibly do a fun exercise?)

Proudly representing Red Springs!

Red Springs receives the STEP Grant in June 2010.
Representing Red Springs and pictured left to right: E.H.Alexander, Robert Canida, Margie Labadie, Senator Michael Walters, Willie Goodyear, Barbara Melvin, Edward Henderson