(with Chilton Rogers)
(with Chilton Rogers)
MONDAY, OCT. 18, 2010
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
1. Welcome & Announcements – STEP Leadership Team Co-chair Willie Goodyear
2. Report on Kick-Off & Survey Results – Committee/Margie (Kick-off 9/25/10)
3. Report on STEP Peer Learning Meeting (Candor, Oct. 7th) – Johnny & Margie
4. Presentation of Community Profile – Committee
5. Self-Assessment of Resources for Sustaining & Growing Your Local Economy – Coach
6. Vision Statement
7. Next Meeting – Monday, Nov. 15, 2010
Minutes of the NC-STEP Meeting on October 18, 2010
with Chilton Rogers
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie
Approximately 35 people were in attendance including the following: Coach: Chilton Rogers; NC-STEP core committee: Chub Henderson, Willie Goodyear, Margie Labadie, Barbara Melvin, Johnny Robertson; from the Town of Red Springs government: Mayor John McNeill, Town Manager Tony White; citizens of our community including: Robert Hollingsworth, Jerry Patterson, Alex Alexander, Neil Guin, Dan Ryberg, Michelle Gaitley, Mrs. Edward Henderson, Terry Powers and many other wonderful folks!!!!!
1) Introductions were made and a sign-in sheet passed around for all to note their contact information.
2) Kick-Off Report
Margie Labadie: Synopsis of suggestion board
NOTE: The suggestions list will be attached and emailed to all
Johnny Robertson: Assessment: Though attendance was low, we plan to have another event in a year and see the change
3) Report on STEP Regional Peer Learning meeting in Candor on Oct. 7th
Margie Labadie: Suggestions from other towns:
1. Electronic phone tree to call your committee and your citizens. Good for emergencies etc.
2. We discussed involvement of mayors and town mgr support.
3. Downtown Development Association -(DDA has a $95 / yr subscription)
4. Use comparison of towns to put pressure on making things better via competition
5. Mixed use of downtown bldgs and get an inventory of vacant buildings; Challenges of building reuse and leveraging funds.
6. Do a survey of high school students
7. Make people stop, billboard
8. Use your art community
9. Create a newsletter for the town
10. Fix up green spaces, parks for healthful living
11. Outdoor space/theater/farmers market
12. Let the citizens drive your process
13. Environment for businesses to succeed. Create business incubators.
14. Community centers: importance & uses for; improvise w/ partnerships, collaborate w/ community colleges and universities
15. Create strategies!!!!!!
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Look into GATE: entrepreneurship (don miller)
**resourceful communities program conservation fund, leadership development, including land use, they have partners, expenses paid
4) Dan Ryberg: Have Youth Council from RS bring students into STEP
5) Chilton: Community profile report due before November 15 - Johnny / Margie / other photographers please!!! Everyone contribute and send electronic images to Margie Labadie at
6) Johnny will send out announcement for next meeting with Robeson County economic planners
7) Chilton: Everyone filled out the Survey tool to rate some of the communities attributes.
8) Chilton: Vision statement - group results will be edited into a 1/2 page paragraph
Shirley, Dan, Tony, Minnie, Bob, Chub, Willie
Announcement from the Mayor to please meet at the JR Jones, Grain Bin for an important announcement on Tuesday, October 19th.
Meeting adjourned
with Chilton Rogers
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie
Approximately 35 people were in attendance including the following: Coach: Chilton Rogers; NC-STEP core committee: Chub Henderson, Willie Goodyear, Margie Labadie, Barbara Melvin, Johnny Robertson; from the Town of Red Springs government: Mayor John McNeill, Town Manager Tony White; citizens of our community including: Robert Hollingsworth, Jerry Patterson, Alex Alexander, Neil Guin, Dan Ryberg, Michelle Gaitley, Mrs. Edward Henderson, Terry Powers and many other wonderful folks!!!!!
1) Introductions were made and a sign-in sheet passed around for all to note their contact information.
2) Kick-Off Report
Margie Labadie: Synopsis of suggestion board
NOTE: The suggestions list will be attached and emailed to all
Johnny Robertson: Assessment: Though attendance was low, we plan to have another event in a year and see the change
3) Report on STEP Regional Peer Learning meeting in Candor on Oct. 7th
Margie Labadie: Suggestions from other towns:
1. Electronic phone tree to call your committee and your citizens. Good for emergencies etc.
2. We discussed involvement of mayors and town mgr support.
3. Downtown Development Association -(DDA has a $95 / yr subscription)
4. Use comparison of towns to put pressure on making things better via competition
5. Mixed use of downtown bldgs and get an inventory of vacant buildings; Challenges of building reuse and leveraging funds.
6. Do a survey of high school students
7. Make people stop, billboard
8. Use your art community
9. Create a newsletter for the town
10. Fix up green spaces, parks for healthful living
11. Outdoor space/theater/farmers market
12. Let the citizens drive your process
13. Environment for businesses to succeed. Create business incubators.
14. Community centers: importance & uses for; improvise w/ partnerships, collaborate w/ community colleges and universities
15. Create strategies!!!!!!
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Look into GATE: entrepreneurship (don miller)
**resourceful communities program conservation fund, leadership development, including land use, they have partners, expenses paid
4) Dan Ryberg: Have Youth Council from RS bring students into STEP
5) Chilton: Community profile report due before November 15 - Johnny / Margie / other photographers please!!! Everyone contribute and send electronic images to Margie Labadie at
6) Johnny will send out announcement for next meeting with Robeson County economic planners
7) Chilton: Everyone filled out the Survey tool to rate some of the communities attributes.
8) Chilton: Vision statement - group results will be edited into a 1/2 page paragraph
Shirley, Dan, Tony, Minnie, Bob, Chub, Willie
Announcement from the Mayor to please meet at the JR Jones, Grain Bin for an important announcement on Tuesday, October 19th.
Meeting adjourned
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