MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
I. Welcome and Announcements – STEP Co-chair Willie Goodyear
Ø Small Towns Creating Opportunities: Investing in People Workshop Report (Johnny R., John M., Jim V., Sally C., Michelle G., Willie G., Charles C., Tommy C., Shearlie M. in Red Springs, May 23rd)
Ø Review Each Strategy Statement: Framing Your Strategy
Ø Organize subcommittees
• Identify subcommittee chairs
• Expand to include additional community members
• Share names w/leadership team to avoid duplication
• Invite to next subcommittee meeting
Ø Prioritize Projects
Ø Presentation to Town Board (coach)
VI. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Monday, July 18, 2011
By the end of the evening, there were 4 Strategies identified instead of 6.
Meeting dates were established for the following groups:
June 29:
1. Entrepreneurial Economy
2. Broadening Educational Opportunities
June 30:
3. Leadership Pipeline
4. Aesthetics
We will meet at 6:30 each night. A light dinner will be served at 6:15.
MAY 16, 2011
1. Broadening Educational Opportunities for traditional and nontraditional students
Jim, Callie, Anika, Margie, John L.
2. Remake Red Springs into an Entrepreneurial Economy -- Identify and partner with the community supports that help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed (heavy reliance on SE Entrepreneurial Alliance (Kim P.), ElectriCities and chamber) – Utilize Hispanic mentors as a focus of support – and Market the Red Spring itself.
Kim P., Willie G., Eva, Brandy, Bob Mc
3. Establish a Leadership Pipeline for future community and business leaders
Kim P., Willie G., Tim H., Johnny
4. Bring the “Last Mile” of high speed, fiber optic internet service to Red Springs and make it accessible and affordable for all its citizens (e-NC assistance – Donna Sullivan)
John Mc, Chubb
5. Expand Philanthropy (NC Gives example)
Margie, Frances,Bob M., Michelle G.. John Mc,Caroline, Chub H., Neil M., Elma, Chris, Jimmy, Tim
6. Enhance the Beautification and Aesthetics of Red Springs to make it a more attractive place for people to live, work and play – and boost community pride
Dale M., Eva, Michelle, Candace, Johnny
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
I. Welcome and Announcements – STEP Co-chair Willie Goodyear
Ø Small Towns Creating Opportunities: Investing in People Workshop Report (Johnny R., John M., Jim V., Sally C., Michelle G., Willie G., Charles C., Tommy C., Shearlie M. in Red Springs, May 23rd)
Ø Review Each Strategy Statement: Framing Your Strategy
Ø Organize subcommittees
• Identify subcommittee chairs
• Expand to include additional community members
• Share names w/leadership team to avoid duplication
• Invite to next subcommittee meeting
Ø Prioritize Projects
Ø Presentation to Town Board (coach)
VI. Adjourn – Next meeting date – Monday, July 18, 2011
Red Springs NC STEP Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2011
Respectfully submitted by Margie LabadieWillie Goodyear welcomed the group.
Chilton: recap (See paperwork from Chilton)
Announcements: CAP materials passed out
Michelle Wells, MPA, CPRP
Program Director
NC Recreation & Park Association
883 Washington St. Raleigh NC 27605
2. Changing Lives, Impacting Communities
Tessa Eliza thraves
Community-based food systems Coordinator
Center for Environmental Farming Systems
3. FED money to improve environment
5. Announcement: Town oriented: Talent Enhancement Capacity Blding w/shop June 30th
This study measured metropolitan areas, micropolitan areas, rural areas. College and beyond - you need skills, be certified and credentials, credit scores, drug tests...Migration levels increased and more
Meeting continues:
First Tuesday of every month is our town council meeting. At a future town meeting, Chilton will present to them and prepare them for our economic plan. This to prevent any future bumps in the road.
First Tuesday of every month is our town council meeting. At a future town meeting, Chilton will present to them and prepare them for our economic plan. This to prevent any future bumps in the road.
Donna Sullivan: tech assistant for Eastern North Carolina Authority broadband. She helps develop strategies, develop literacy, centers etc. They map infrastructure across the state and supply it to the FED Gov. Their organization will sunset, but funds for technical assistance will go to Dept. Of Commerce.
Strategy Statement Review:
Framing Your Strategy (form)
This information goes to the Rural Center for approval.
** Bob H. reported on Broadening Education
** Johnny R. reported on aesthetics
** Caroline S. reported on Leadership
** Kim P. reported on Entrepreneurship
** Last mile internet James M. reported
Guest speaker about Internet: Donna Sullivan has thumb drive of information on Broadband availability... If we wanted a wifi area the town would pay, it would be free for businesses.
** Willie reported on Philanthropy, Tim introduced study done by Center for Community Action
What followed were some discussion with Chilton on "how this process works".
Question about our upcoming process: Can the town can change our strategies?
Answer: No, not really.
Question: How will strategies be implemented?
Answer: Our strategies will be implemented consecutively with others.
BUT we need to get the strategies first...strategies help us identify issues that need to be addressed.
Work in strategy subcommittees now to identify STRATEGIES
Elect co-chairs
Add'l members to invite
Schedule next meetings
Developing projects
Diet: philosophy on food = Vision
Meals: simple or complex = Strategies
Individual dishes. = Individual dishes (how do we make it)
Recipe & ingredients = Project template
When we meet next:
1. Frame Our Strategies - Chilton will take these to the town so they must be complete.
2. Brainstorm ideas for projects
3. Start working with project templates (DO NOT COMPLETE TEMPLATES)
4. Invite new individuals & organizations to join in
By the end of the evening, there were 4 Strategies identified instead of 6.
Meeting dates were established for the following groups:
June 29:
1. Entrepreneurial Economy
2. Broadening Educational Opportunities
June 30:
3. Leadership Pipeline
4. Aesthetics
We will meet at 6:30 each night. A light dinner will be served at 6:15.
MAY 16, 2011
1. Broadening Educational Opportunities for traditional and nontraditional students
Jim, Callie, Anika, Margie, John L.
2. Remake Red Springs into an Entrepreneurial Economy -- Identify and partner with the community supports that help small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed (heavy reliance on SE Entrepreneurial Alliance (Kim P.), ElectriCities and chamber) – Utilize Hispanic mentors as a focus of support – and Market the Red Spring itself.
Kim P., Willie G., Eva, Brandy, Bob Mc
3. Establish a Leadership Pipeline for future community and business leaders
Kim P., Willie G., Tim H., Johnny
4. Bring the “Last Mile” of high speed, fiber optic internet service to Red Springs and make it accessible and affordable for all its citizens (e-NC assistance – Donna Sullivan)
John Mc, Chubb
5. Expand Philanthropy (NC Gives example)
Margie, Frances,Bob M., Michelle G.. John Mc,Caroline, Chub H., Neil M., Elma, Chris, Jimmy, Tim
6. Enhance the Beautification and Aesthetics of Red Springs to make it a more attractive place for people to live, work and play – and boost community pride
Dale M., Eva, Michelle, Candace, Johnny