Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Agenda and Minutes of STEP Meeting June 18, 2012

STEP Leadership Meeting Agenda


RS American Legion Building

6:30 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny
6:35 – Management reporting – Margie
-         REDI report – Caroline           
6:45 – Strategy Committee reports
-         Education - Margie
-         Entrepreneurism - Kim
-         Leadership – Mary Frances
-         Physical Design – Johnny with Kimberly Siran
7:30 – How to seek funding partners 

8:10– Dr. Yo
8:20 Adjourn
Next meeting – July 16th


STEP Leadership Meeting 6/18/2012

Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

6:45 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny welcomed everyone and introduced the new Town Manager of Red Springs, Mr. James Bennett, who was welcomed with a hearty round of applause. Everyone introduced themselves.

Management reporting – Margie. There were no reports from the town on STEP finances or businesses opening. These have been requested.

REDI report – Caroline completed REDI and is now a graduate of the REDI program, making her an excellent new leader for our town.

Mayor McNeill
announced that Caroline has been elected to be a delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte!!! A hearty round of applause was given to her. 
6:45 – Strategy Committee reports

Broadening Education - Margie gave a report on the status of the building.
The alarm system for the building has now been installed. The computers will be arriving from RCC in the next few weeks. Two screens have been ordered along with two projectors. Furniture will be delivered  by RCC. The reach of the internet? The entire building, parking lot, and most likely the entire Community Center. (Thanks Caroline for testing).

Entrepreneurship - Kim had no report to give except that activities can begin when furniture arrives and when we can find the best way to reach participants since school is out.

Leadership – No report given. Mary Frances was not in attendance.

Physical Design – 
Mary Black reported on the walking trails from the "Healthy Town" group which has joined STEP. There are no funds coming out of STEP for this project, however, input on the location of trails and signs is requested. Mary will be seeking sign samples and funding for the signs from community members. Suggestion that the DOT Division 6 can give money because they must spend a certain amount on enhancement. Time table is ASAP. 

Mary also discussed having a farmers market in the STEP/Community Center parking lot.  Caroline will get name of her contact. Roger says he has contact in Lumberton.(Brandon Love). There was great enthusiasm for a farmer’s market activity. 

Kimberly Siran discussed the state of the entrance way signs. She also discussed plantings in other parts of town. She also showed a survey plan of the Town’s Red Spring facility that needs upgrading. Johnny suggested a Splash pad and there is a project called Kaboom that could be a model.

Signs were discussed  for the building STEP building. John and Johnny will get with Rebecca Eatman (?) of Lamar Advertising in Elizabethtown and invite her to the next meeting. 

Discussion on Main Street Program

James Bennett asked some questions and suggested that we begin the process of becoming a Main Street Program town. He has invited  Helen McGuiness (sp?) to come down in early July to meet with the STEP Leadership Team.


Arlene brought an article from the Red Springs Citizen called REFLECTIONS which is available in the May 23rd issue of the Red Springs Citizen. This is a very negative article about what 'should be done' in Red Springs and it is disappointing to the STEP Leadership Group.

8:30 PM Adjourn