STEP Leadership
RS Community Building
6:30 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny
6:35 – Management reporting – Margie
REDI report Caroline
Clean Teams – next date 3/23
6:45 – Strategy Committee reports
Physical Design
We will work in our committees for 30 minutes before reporting.
8:00 – Discussion of possible topics for our April meeting
Lenders forum (reps from BB&T, Lumbee Bank, Advancement)
Small business creation – The Thomas Center
8:15 – Dr. Yolanda Burwell
8:30 Adjourn
MONDAY, March 19, 2012
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie
6:30 Welcome: Johnny Robertson welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Margie reported on the upcoming renovations about to happen in the building and discussed the leak in the roof at the back end of the building. Town Manager Bob said someone fixed it, but he'll double check.
Margie discussed her meeting with Kathy Pittman to organize reimbursements for all expenditures. All receipts for work done or expenses from ANY committee should be signed by the committee head and given to Margie for reimbursement. Margie will turn them in to Kathy Pittman and follow up with her to make sure payments are made.
Mary Black of Southeast Regional Medical Center presented a map of walking trails made by Coaly Designs for them. There is discussion that this walking trail group join the STEP Leadership Committee. See map below with designated trails decided by Coaly Designs. A group will walk the trails to determine accessibility and viability of safety. Trail signs were discussed.
A discussion on upcoming speakers resulted in the decision to have smaller groups of related speakers (banking, business, etc) who will participate in our meetings in their entirety so that they can see 'how' we work and how we need them as partners. Johnny will work on the invitees.
Dr. Yolanda Burwell brought 2 copies and discussed the NC Rural Center's book:
"Living on the Margins: A Guidebook for Connecting Individuals to Opportunity"
A link to this publication is below. A hard copy of the booklet will be available in the Creative Computing Center when it opens April 28th.
8:30 PM Meeting adjourned.