Monday, February 13, 2012

Agenda: STEP Meeting 2-20-12 - Minutes and Notes from meetings

STEP Leadership Team
Red Springs Community Building

6:30 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny

6:45 – Update on contract signing and related information – Bob S.

7:00 – Presentation by Dr. Yolanda Burwell of the NC Rural Center

8:00 – Reports by Strategy Teams
 i.            Education
ii.            Entrepreneurism
iii.            Leadership
iv.            Physical Design

8:25 – Wrap up and confirm next meeting date
a.       Recruit stakeholders and new team members to join project committees

b.      Project committees
i.  Hold meetingii.  Complete assigned task and objectives
8:30 Adjourn

MONDAY, February 20, 2012
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie

6:30 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny

6:45 – The Town Manager, Bob S. talked about STEP funding issues.  He asked that we let the town know what we're doing by proposals. That way we can concentrate on what we are doing.  Nothing is done to change the structure.

7:00  - Margie reported on meeting with Art Jackson and how procedures will work and how paperwork will flow.

8:00 Discussion with Dr. Yolanda Burwell. She explained that she is not a coach. She will help us with outreach. Her last time, she did a capacities and capabilities survey. She brought the results and Margie will post to the blog. (See below)

Her advice: When people hear of a project they want to be involved in, they will come forward.

8:30  Adjourn

Results of the form below from Dr. Yolanda Burwell: 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Meeting of the Physical Design Committee 2-9-12

Here is a brief recap of the discussions yesterday February 9 from Johnny Robertson:

-          Kimberly met with Garden Club representatives to discuss ideas about the Vardell Garden, Kimberly will be available to work with this group as requested
-          The “Healthy Community” group sponsored by SRMC led a discussion about developing walking paths and greenways and the value such features would add to Red Springs – Kimberly will designate  some possible walking routes in town on existing sidewalks and make suggestions about possible greenways that can be developed to connect parks and public areas with key spots in the community – the walking trail may also have a brochure that gives the route and highlights interesting buildings or historic spots along the way.
-          There was also discussion about having the Town designate a space to hold a “Farmer’s Market” on weekends – say an area in the Cotton Yard lot
-          Out of that discussion came up the concept of Community Gardens, Arlene said she was working on this
-          CIS talked about: community involvement in beautifying school grounds, having community garden space for kids to learn about  gardening, and involving SRMC in teaching about nutrition
-          We also reviewed sketches of entry signs and discussed the way theme concepts could be carried over from the entry signs to other design elements in town.  Kimberly is going to develop the chosen sign and present again when she returns to RS
-          We also discussed ways to use “public art” in store fronts and as murals to add to our community in the business district
-          Kimberly will work to finalize our Master Plan so that we can formally identify our list of projects and then we can begin to identify funding sources so that individual projects can come to life.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Agenda and Minutes of STEP Leadership Committee Meeting 1-26-2012

STEP Leadership Committee Agenda
Red Springs Community Building

6:30 – Welcome and introductions – Johnny

6:45 – Discussion on leadership structure, roles and responsibilities
 i.      Identify Leadership Team Coordinator (responsible for emailing meeting agenda, reserving meeting location, monthly reports, budgeting, funding request, travel request, coordinating regional STEP meetings)
ii.      Identify Leadership Team Facilitator (responsible for creating monthly meeting agenda, helping the leadership team understand their common objectives, and assists them to plan to achieve them without taking a particular position in the discussion)
 iii.      Identify Leadership Team Secretary (responsible for taking and preparing meeting minutes)
iv.      Rural Center contract; has it been signed, scheduled – funding?

7:15 – Presentation by Dr. Yolanda Burwell of the NC Rural Center
8:10 – Responsibilities of Strategy Teams and organization
i.            Identify leadership team members
 ii.            Identify chair
 iii.            Determine meeting schedule (bring your calendars)
iv.            How to request project funds

8:25 – When do we meet next and what format

a.       Recruit stakeholders and new team members to join project committees

b.      Project committees

i.         Hold meetings
ii.      Complete assigned task and objectives

8:30 Adjourn


Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie 

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by Johnny Robertson. 

There was a discussion on leadership structure, roles and responsibilities as used by the town of Siler City as noted in the agenda. 

Items i, ii, and iii: 

It was decided to create three leadership team positions. 

A team of three people will meet to decide how to share duties.

The two main meeting coordinators will be Johnny Robertson and Elma Patterson. 
Margie Labadie will continue as Secretary of the project.

Item iv:

The  Rural Center contract must be signed by the town and the contract will be voted on by the Town Council at the February 7th meeting.

Presentation by Dr. Yolanda Burwell: 

1. Article on Saxaphaw NC and discussion followed.
2. The group filled out the form: Quick Snapshot of Organizational / Community Capacity (internal and external)

We did not discuss
Responsibilities of Strategy Teams and organization or Responsibilities of Strategy Teams and organization

The next meeting will be February 20th.

Meetings will continue on the third Monday of each month.

Form from Dr. Yolanda Burwell below:

Article from the Robesonian

Thanks to Arlene Sinclair for this article!