MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
I. Welcome, Introductions and Announcements – STEP Co-Chair Willie Goodyear
II. Project Status:
* Completed templates -- know exactly what it will take to carry out the project
* Firm dollar estimates – no guessing
* Prioritize Projects: Which projects are most important to address immediately and in what order?
* Allocate STEP funds
* Project assignments – Who’s organizing, leading and working on which projects?
III. Landscape Master Plan Progress – Kimberly Siran, Coaly Design
IV. What’s Next?
* Coach will draft STEP Economic Development Strategic Plan and Implementation Strategy for leadership team to present to the Town Board as soon as possible.
* Prepare for Transition to Implementation:
§ Who’s holding the Implementation Team together
§ Organize and facilitate monthly meetings?
[Agenda, Meeting Notes, Track Project Progress]
§ Implementation Process and Procedures
IV. Adjourn – Next full Leadership Team meeting
Monday, Oct. 17, 2011
MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie
1. Welcome and Announcements
- Willie Goodyear welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Chilton Rogers talked about Town Meeting. She thanked those who attended that meeting.
- Rural Partners Forum will be November 16-17 in Raleigh. The title is, “re imagine rural: Transforming North Carolina’s rural communities through youth engagement”.
- Governor is holding forums in small towns regarding small town competitiveness. Billy Ray Hall will also be there. The closest one to us is in Thomasville, NC on Wednesday, September 28th; 8 AM to noon. Davidson Community College, 297 DCCC Road. See the Rural Center website for details.
- Kim announced: NC ( From the website: “The 2011 NC Governor’s Entrepreneurship Summit is a gathering of entrepreneurs and leaders from across our diverse state on a mission to break the mold by developing innovative products and services, create jobs and help NC grow.”
II. Project Status Reports
Embracing Entrepreneurship - Kim reported
- We will share space with Broadening Education.
- Establish “No Wrong Door” program for the extension and enhancement of information.
There will be no cost as it will be covered by the Institute for Rural E-ship but applied specifically to Red Springs.
- Branding: Branding will use UNCP to help develop a program for logo/graphics.
- We must attend the Youth Entrepreneurship program on October 19th, 10 AM - Noon. Sponsored by the SouthEastern Alliance. Margie and Willie will attend. They will also attend the preliminary meeting on September 29th from noon - 2 PM.
- Financial Literacy - will be a program working in the Elementary school along with NC REAL in the middle school.
Broadening Education - Margie reported
- Regarding the Bodenheimer building. A representative group of the Leadership Committee met last Thursday with the owners. Unfortunately they do not want to sell the building for less than tax value ($139K) and of that, they will only donate a small portion (25K). The price is out of our range. It was decided to have an appraisal done of the building. The building is in need of repair and we would need a fund-raising plan. There will have to be money set aside for programming, utilities, staffing.
- We will re-contact the owner of the laundromat, Mr. Desai, to revisit the possibilities of renovation, lease or rent.
- Art exhibitions and musical performances will be done in the space. The space will be utilized for internationally diverse programing.
- Robeson Community College will supply computers (25-30) to hold classes (currently offered in several locations in Red Springs, to be consolidated into the building). These classes will be between 8:00 and 2:30 PM. RCC has offered to pay partial utilities. We are also seeking a grant to move other initiatives forward including a business incubator. RCC can cover the matching funds and in kind.
After school programs for Red Springs Middle School and Red Springs High School kids. What are these? Creative computing (need software/hardware). Audio and video
The programs from the Embracing Entrepreneurship and Leadership strategies will be held in the space.
- Computers will be used for Red Springs seniors and we will partner with COG.
- Computers will be used for filing unemployment.
Leadership: Johnny reported for Mary Francis
Red Springs Ready program. See template now posted on the Red Springs STEP Blog for August 16th along with the other templates.
Asthetics: Johnny reported
- Clean teams are already underway. The Clean Team project will begin on Saturday around 9:00 AM and last for a couple of hours; Rotary is hosting lunch for that day around noon.
III. Landscape Master Plan Progress – Kimberly Siran, Coaly Design
- Introduction of Kimberly Siran of Coaly Design:
Kimberly showed an image, (Google Map?) with Red Springs town boundaries. She asked for suggestions from the Leadership Team and community on what kinds of projects we could do.
A focus group session with Kimberly is scheduled for September the 29th from 3:30 until 5:30. This meeting is so that community members have a chance to express their thoughts about how Red Springs could transform our image over the next 5 years. Kimberly needs you to dream big and share your ideas about things you would like to see take place in our community.
IV. What’s Next?
Chilton will draft STEP Economic Development Strategic Plan and Implementation Strategy for leadership team to present to the Town Board probably in November.
We will prepare for Transition to Implementation
IV. Adjourn – Next full Leadership Team meeting Monday, Oct. 17, 2011