MONDAY, AUG. 15, 2011
6:30 – 8:30 P.M.
I. Welcome, Introductions and Announcements – STEP Co-Chair Willie Goodyear
Ø Coach Presentation to Town Board – Tuesday, Sept. 6th
Ø Please attend and be recognized!
II. Final Strategy Statements for each subcommittee delivered to Coach
III. Project Development Review: Do We Have:
Ø Updated templates -- know exactly what it will take to carry out the project
Ø Firm dollar estimates – no guessing
Ø Project assignments – Who’s organizing, leading and working on which projects?
Ø Prioritized Projects: Which projects are most important to address immediately and in what order?
IV. Next Steps
Ø Final determination of project importance, order, and STEP $ allocation
Ø Draft Economic Development Strategic Plan & Implementation (coach)
Ø STEP Team presentation to Town Board
Ø Contract with Rural Center
V. Adjourn – Next full Leadership Team meeting date – Monday, Sept. 19th
Announcement 3. Coach Chilton Roger's Presentation to the Red Springs Town Board of our Strategies and Project will be on Tuesday, September 6th. We would like as many people to turn out as possible to show support for our Strategies and Projects. We need our Town Board to know we care about Red Springs! Please attend and be recognized!
Red Springs NC STEP Meeting Minutes of MONDAY, August 15, 2011
Respectfully submitted by Margie Labadie
I. Welcome, Introductions – STEP Co-Chair Willie Goodyear
Announcements Chilton Rogers / Johnny Robertson
Announcement 1. The Rural Center is pleased to announce over $30 million are available in funding opportunities for rural communities over the next year. Closest meeting to us is in Raleigh at the N.C. Rural Center, Conference and Training Facility, 4021 Carya Drive. Registration is free. August 30, 9 AM prompt.
The program will include:
* Overview of the funding opportunities with program guidelines and application process
* Grant Programs: Clean Water Planning Grants; Economic Infrastructure Program; Building Reuse and Restoration; Economic Innovation; Rural Community Mobilization Project; Rural Hope; NC STEP
* Business Loan programs: N.C. Capital Access Program; N.C. Microenterprise Loan Program; Rural Venture Fund
* Project GATE (Growing America Through Entrepreneurship)
Announcements Chilton Rogers / Johnny Robertson
Announcement 1. The Rural Center is pleased to announce over $30 million are available in funding opportunities for rural communities over the next year. Closest meeting to us is in Raleigh at the N.C. Rural Center, Conference and Training Facility, 4021 Carya Drive. Registration is free. August 30, 9 AM prompt.
The program will include:
* Overview of the funding opportunities with program guidelines and application process
* Grant Programs: Clean Water Planning Grants; Economic Infrastructure Program; Building Reuse and Restoration; Economic Innovation; Rural Community Mobilization Project; Rural Hope; NC STEP
* Business Loan programs: N.C. Capital Access Program; N.C. Microenterprise Loan Program; Rural Venture Fund
* Project GATE (Growing America Through Entrepreneurship)
Announcement 2. 2011 NC Governor's Entrepreneurship Summit: Breaking the Mold
Date: September 21-22, Durham Convention Center
Date: September 21-22, Durham Convention Center
Announcement 3. Coach Chilton Roger's Presentation to the Red Springs Town Board of our Strategies and Project will be on Tuesday, September 6th. We would like as many people to turn out as possible to show support for our Strategies and Projects. We need our Town Board to know we care about Red Springs! Please attend and be recognized!
II. Final Strategy Statements
Margie read a 1 page version of Broadening Education Statement
Janet read Aesthetics Statement
Caroline read Leadership Statement
Kim read Embracing Entrepreneurship Statement
NOTE: A three page version of the Broadening Education Strategy Statement will be incorporated by Chilton into an overall economic strategy plan because she thought it was really well written and covered everyone.Thanks John L.!
All 4 Strategy Statements are now posted. Changes/Corrections if needed are noted below each statement. All statements were adopted unanimously.
Broadening Education Strategy Statement (3 page - referred to in the meeting but not read.)
The STEP strategy for “broadening education” in Red Springs proposes the establishment of an active, enhanced environment designed to offer learning opportunities that will develop creative thinking and problem solving skills. Original ideas developed by well-educated people build successful communities. By traditional hands-on learning and digital technologies, we will foster a positive community atmosphere, enhance transcultural interaction, and foster significant entrepreneurial thinking through computer education, art activities, music, lectures and various types of performances.
Red Springs, North Carolina has a rich history. The land on which the town is situated came through a grant from the Governor of North Carolina in December 26, 1795. Red Springs once boasted a successful “main street” business district, a thriving tourist trade based on its mineral rich iron springs, excellent public schools funded and managed by the town, the Scottish “Highland Games”, and even a minor league baseball team: the Red Robins. Much has changed in Red Springs since the tornadoes of 1984 and many of those changes have not been for the better.
In the second decade of the 21st century the fields of education, communication, business and entertainment are radically evolved from what previous generations knew. Personal computing and the Internet have changed us all. Education is now referred to as “life long learning” and not defined by the date one graduated from high school or college. Even so, as resources in Red Springs have diminished so have the possibilities for offering “information age” educational opportunities to the community. Today Red Springs is in dire need of facilities and programs offering connectivity to newer forms of education, communication, business and entertainment to its citizens.
The strategy of “broadening education” focuses on a carefully crafted, on going plan to establish, and evolve, a wide ranging, comprehensive series educational programs that will result in a renewed sense of community pride, camaraderie, and enhanced economic growth for all citizens. Our committee believes that, to grow and thrive, Red Springs must offer enhanced educational opportunities tailored to the needs of our community and focused on developing a thriving entrepreneurial future for our residents. Such educational possibilities will, we believe, result in a rebirth of community pride as well as a revitalization of our business environment.
1. There is a consensus that, over the years, the educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for the citizens of Red Springs have diminished for a variety of reasons
2. There appears to be a lack of community pride and involvement in defining and supporting enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
3. There is a sense that economic conditions as well as community apathy either limit or diminish resource or efforts to define, support, of launch enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
4. There has been a lack of leadership initiative or support for enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
5. There is a clear understanding that the importance of the relationship between enhanced educational and cultural opportunities and economic growth has not been well recognized in the greater Red Springs and dealt with to date.
Our committee believes that, to stimulate economic growth as well as community pride, offering enhanced educational and cultural opportunities should be foremost in the thoughts of the citizens of Red Springs. In short, we should work together to improve the educational atmosphere and facilities for enhanced opportunities in Red Springs.
1. We need to recognize that these are difficult economic times and respond accordingly. Red Springs has been victimized by many of the ills common to small towns in North Carolina. As a community we must address such issues as: our young people moving away to seek employment; the “brain drain” of talented persons of all ages; a paucity of programmatic opportunities to help youth; the rising drop out rates and decreasing graduation rates; the increased uses of computers by senior citizens; increased uses of (or requirements for) online job searches and employment applications; required online filing for unemployment; the widespread community needs for online research tools, online communication, social networking, and online businesses activities; a lack of after school educational activities; and the general unavailability of evening and weekend programs related to art, music, lectures and other types of performances. Establishing and offering such resources will not resolve all individual or community issues but similar programs established in small towns elsewhere have wrought many positive results.
2. We need to rally our community around ideas and programs that will make positive changes for all concerned. The citizens of Red Springs need to identify and develop locations in which to offer programs that can have positive effect on the community. Defining and enabling physical facilities in which to offer programs designed as enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community will, over time, result in a community more that is conducive to economic growth and new businesses development.
3. We need to broadcast the message that Red Springs is a great place to locate. Red Springs is ideally located near the intersection of I-95 and I-74 and sits at the confluence of Routes 211, 72, 71 and 710. As such our town is an important gateway to numerous organizations and institutions in Robeson County and surrounding counties. For example: Fort Bragg, University of North Carolina Pembroke, Campbell’s Soup Corporation, and the facilities and businesses of county seat of Lumberton.
4. We need to find ways to attract people and businesses to Red Springs. Improved enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will make it more desirable for people looking to move to the area.
5. We need to establish a path toward enhancing a sense of community in Red Springs community based, vibrant, and diverse range of enhanced educational opportunities will lead to the reestablishment and restoration of a sense of community pride.
6. We need to make positive changes in the educational and cultural atmosphere Red Springs. We believe that carefully crafted facilities and programs for enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will make the town more attractive to new businesses.
Summary: Much of the effort to create and maintain facilities and programs for enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will require public funding and public support. This will be evidenced as financial commitments by business and individuals, additional grants beyond STEP funding, and increased public awareness, support and involvement. Leaving the possibilities of establishing viable 21st century educational facilities and programs in Red Springs can no longer be left to “someone else.” Much of the effort to change our town must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized, coordinated, phased plan of activity. A town’s beauty is found not only in its physical appearance but also in its sprit, community involvement, and relevant educational and cultural opportunities. Even so, providing a program of improved community-based educational and cultural opportunities (of any kind) is not a “one time” solution. All such projects must be developed strategically and must involve citizen participation over time and on an “on going” basis. Red Springs is our town, and it is our responsibility.
Correction / Change to above :
An historical correction regarding the charter of the town needs to be amended.
Leadership Strategy Statement
Red Springs Leadership has not been as forth right to the community and to the younger adults and has lost its direction over the past forty years; its biggest problem is that we have not passed along leadership values to our succeeding generations. Part of this is that our youth with talent and leadership skills have moved to greener pastures because of the lack of leadership and mentorship which has driven them away from our Community. Moreover, because of the community disconnect with the school system what leadership skills that are developed during school events rarely transfer to the community as a whole.
The overall picture is broken down in the following phases:
-Much of our young talent leaves Red Springs for higher education and never returns because of the lack of available high paying jobs.
-We have not developed any coordinated leadership skills programs in our community to help develop the talent which did not or could not leave for greener pastures.
-The general lack of community pride promotes apathy and results in those with leadership skills not wanting to step up and offer their services.
The leadership strategy will build community pride and instill the desire to see Red Springs move forward in a healthy and positive fashion by building life leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills and critical thinking skills.
-By developing leadership skills earlier in our youth we will empower them to take control of their destiny and impart a sense of hope and pride
-By developing leadership skills our community will benefit from more actively involved residents who want Red Springs to grow and thrive
By developing entrepreneurial leaders we will help create local jobs that spawn creative job development and attract other job creation opportunities
-By developing leadership skills we will bridge the racial and cultural divide that has long held our community back by forcing us to think along boundaries rather that thinking of whole of the community.
There is a debate that there are people who are born with innate qualities that help them to become good leaders, while others have to strive hard to attain their leadership skills. So in reality, you could say yes to both questions. We as leaders do need to lead our citizens by showing our leadership skills, our compassion, integrity, honesty, humility, determination, courage, passion, confidence, commitment, wisdom and expertise. Becoming a leader entails more than skills, it combines skills with those traits listed in the previous sentence. We will have to encourage existing community groups like the Chamber of Commerce to become involved as well as working to start and develop leadership programs that will reach our youth beginning in the middle school years. This is a lifelong learning process, one that once begun will have no end, just a better foundation to build upon.
Embracing Entrepreneurship Strategy Statement
Red Springs was a thriving business community for nearly 85 years and was known as the Saratoga of the South. Our intriguing history has already been reported by the other committee strategy statements.
The strategy of “Embracing Entrepreneurship” focuses on recreating that entrepreneurial environment in which, once again, small businesses can be inspired, fostered and grown capitalizing on our location, identity and cultural diversity.
A comprehensive fluid and ongoing approach includes the following concepts:
*Branding Red Springs/Finding our identity and marketability (arts, tourism, convenience, charm) “Red Springs… History, Re Imagined” or” History working to reinvent itself” or “Putting Unity in Community” as quick examples
*Revamping the entrepreneurial culture- work to create a seamless system for entrepreneurs of all ages and all stages. Create a path for success from small business inquiry to mentoring to partnering with town officials to engage with prospective small business owners. This committee will be proactive in finding local, county resources as well as forming and Ad hoc citizens group for Entrepreneurship who will support small business. We will seek resources to include Youth Entrepreneurship and youth financial literacy. Youth engagement will serve to develop a pipeline as well as stirring the spirit of potential local adults to whom we can provide technical assistance and mentoring resources.
*ReVisioning/Revitalizing Downtown. With and in support of the proposed multi-use education facility that encourages the arts, education and generates tourism this committee believes that small business will once again line Main Street. Businesses that compliment and service the needs of the clients/users will naturally spring up. Potentially to include business incubation site(s).
This committee is aware that this process is a journey. We did not get here overnight and we will not get out overnight. We have to redefine/reinvent ourselves, unify around that new identity and create small business opportunities based on the experience folks will have here.
Our project will change and grow as we move beyond creating the foundation, as the pipeline of entrepreneurs builds with education and leadership, as pride is restored through aesthetics and as unity is rebuilt in our community, as the core committee grows, as success breeds success.
We can reimagine what is possible, work to make changes now and create a new future for ourselves and impact seven generations to come.
III. Project Development Reviews:
NOTE: All Projects Templates from each group will be posted in this blog as an electronic copy is received from each group. Changes/Corrections to be made are noted below each Project. All projects voted on were adopted unanimously.
Broadening Education Project was read by Margie with Kim, Barbara, Bob Moore all lending supporting facts.
Broadening Education Template 1 of 2
Broadening Education Template 2 of 2
Comments: Voted "Yes" unanimously for allocation of $3500 of planning grant money to pay for structural report and plan.
To do first identify best location(s):
* Identify other possible facilities and receive other bids to quote structural report and plan.
* Assemble team -so see other properties: Willie, Johnny, Barbara, (Barbara will talk with Tony Dillinger at Lumbee guarantee, and Lumber River Electric: Fran to talk with Bodenheimer building owner.
Aesthetics Projects
1. Appearance Study. Johnny read the first project to address the dated appearance of the business district and town entrances with the firm Coaly Design (Landscape Architecture + Land Planning of Raleigh). $ 8500 in planning money was discussed along with the hourly rate. Voted "Yes" unanimously. STEP will use this firm because it was recommend by Chilton and the N.C. Rural Center.
Appearance Study Template 1 of 2
Appearance Study Template 2 of 2
2. Window Art. Bob Schaumleffel read the second project: Create visual interest in business district by adding public art in unoccupied windows. $2000 in Art Supplies. This project requires further discussion.
Window Art Template 1 of 2
Window Art Template 2 of 2
3. Clean Teams Johnny read the third project written by Bob H. who was not present: Clean Teams to gather trash on the roads leading into Red Springs with money allocated for lunches each clean-up weekend.
Clean Teams Template 1 of 2
Clean Teams Template 2 of 2
Leadership Project This group met to discuss a Leadership dual track for youth and adults. The group is made up of Johnny, Kim, Caroline, Mary Francis, Fran who will complete the templates. The Leadership Team supported this project in its original stage. The final template below was presented at the September 19 meeting. It was written up by Mary Francis and introduce by Johnny.
Leadership template 1of 2.
Leadership Template 2 of 2
Embracing Entrepreneurship Project
Branding the Town of Red Springs was read by Kim. The group's project is to create a Service Learning project with students from UNCP to do a competition for "Branding the Town of Red Springs." They will come up with rules and offer a prize in town. A second project will follow: a Youth Entrepreneurship Academy/ Pipeline and financial, grants. Kim will meet with Caroline and Margie to complete these templates. The group supported this project in its current stage.
Branding the Town of Red Springs, Template 1 of 2
Branding the Town of Red Springs, Template 2 of 2
IV. Next Steps
Margie read a 1 page version of Broadening Education Statement
Janet read Aesthetics Statement
Caroline read Leadership Statement
Kim read Embracing Entrepreneurship Statement
NOTE: A three page version of the Broadening Education Strategy Statement will be incorporated by Chilton into an overall economic strategy plan because she thought it was really well written and covered everyone.Thanks John L.!
All 4 Strategy Statements are now posted. Changes/Corrections if needed are noted below each statement. All statements were adopted unanimously.
Broadening Education Strategy Statement (1 page version that was voted on)
Red Springs, North Carolina has a rich history. The land on which the town is situated came through a grant from the Governor of North Carolina in December of 1795. Red Springs once boasted a successful “main street” business district, a thriving tourist trade based on its mineral rich iron springs, excellent public schools funded and managed by the town, the Scottish “Highland Games”, and even a minor league baseball team. Much has changed in Red Springs since the tornadoes of 1984 wiped out the downtown business district and many homes. Economic changes to Red Springs since then have not been for the better. Yet Red Springs is ideally located near the intersections of I-95 and I-74 and sits at the confluence of Routes 211, 72, 71 and 710. Our town is an important gateway to numerous organizations and institutions in Robeson County and surrounding counties.
The strategy of “Broadening Education” focuses on a carefully crafted, ongoing plan to establish and evolve wide ranging, comprehensive educational and creative cultural programs that will result in economic growth and a renewed sense of community pride for all citizens. Our committee believes that moving forward should be foremost in the thoughts of the citizens of Red Springs. In short, we should work together to enhance opportunities in Red Springs by providing creative and technology rich educational places and spaces.
As a community we must address such issues as our young people moving away to seek employment, the rising drop out rate, and decreasing graduation rates. Our young people need opportunities to become successful as young entrepreneurs through creative programming right here in Red Springs.
Our unemployed and senior citizens need access to computers for work force development, filing unemployment and filing medicare paperwork online.
The strategy of “Broadening Education” focuses on a carefully crafted, ongoing plan to establish and evolve wide ranging, comprehensive educational and creative cultural programs that will result in economic growth and a renewed sense of community pride for all citizens. Our committee believes that moving forward should be foremost in the thoughts of the citizens of Red Springs. In short, we should work together to enhance opportunities in Red Springs by providing creative and technology rich educational places and spaces.
As a community we must address such issues as our young people moving away to seek employment, the rising drop out rate, and decreasing graduation rates. Our young people need opportunities to become successful as young entrepreneurs through creative programming right here in Red Springs.
Our unemployed and senior citizens need access to computers for work force development, filing unemployment and filing medicare paperwork online.
Red Springs needs to identify and develop locations in which to offer programs that can have positive effects on the community. Defining and enabling facilities that are designed as enhanced creative, educational spaces for the greater Red Springs community will, over time, result in a town that is more conducive to economic growth and new businesses development.
Much of the effort to change our town must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized, coordinated, phased plan of activity. A town’s beauty is found in its physical appearance and its sprit. We believe that continuous community involvement, relevant educational programs and cultural opportunities are the key. Red Springs is our town, and it is our responsibility.
Much of the effort to change our town must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized, coordinated, phased plan of activity. A town’s beauty is found in its physical appearance and its sprit. We believe that continuous community involvement, relevant educational programs and cultural opportunities are the key. Red Springs is our town, and it is our responsibility.
Correction to first paragraph made by Mr. Alexander:
"The land on which the town is situated came through a grant from King George III to Salem Hector McNeill in 1775."Broadening Education Strategy Statement (3 page - referred to in the meeting but not read.)
The STEP strategy for “broadening education” in Red Springs proposes the establishment of an active, enhanced environment designed to offer learning opportunities that will develop creative thinking and problem solving skills. Original ideas developed by well-educated people build successful communities. By traditional hands-on learning and digital technologies, we will foster a positive community atmosphere, enhance transcultural interaction, and foster significant entrepreneurial thinking through computer education, art activities, music, lectures and various types of performances.
Red Springs, North Carolina has a rich history. The land on which the town is situated came through a grant from the Governor of North Carolina in December 26, 1795. Red Springs once boasted a successful “main street” business district, a thriving tourist trade based on its mineral rich iron springs, excellent public schools funded and managed by the town, the Scottish “Highland Games”, and even a minor league baseball team: the Red Robins. Much has changed in Red Springs since the tornadoes of 1984 and many of those changes have not been for the better.
In the second decade of the 21st century the fields of education, communication, business and entertainment are radically evolved from what previous generations knew. Personal computing and the Internet have changed us all. Education is now referred to as “life long learning” and not defined by the date one graduated from high school or college. Even so, as resources in Red Springs have diminished so have the possibilities for offering “information age” educational opportunities to the community. Today Red Springs is in dire need of facilities and programs offering connectivity to newer forms of education, communication, business and entertainment to its citizens.
The strategy of “broadening education” focuses on a carefully crafted, on going plan to establish, and evolve, a wide ranging, comprehensive series educational programs that will result in a renewed sense of community pride, camaraderie, and enhanced economic growth for all citizens. Our committee believes that, to grow and thrive, Red Springs must offer enhanced educational opportunities tailored to the needs of our community and focused on developing a thriving entrepreneurial future for our residents. Such educational possibilities will, we believe, result in a rebirth of community pride as well as a revitalization of our business environment.
1. There is a consensus that, over the years, the educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for the citizens of Red Springs have diminished for a variety of reasons
2. There appears to be a lack of community pride and involvement in defining and supporting enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
3. There is a sense that economic conditions as well as community apathy either limit or diminish resource or efforts to define, support, of launch enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
4. There has been a lack of leadership initiative or support for enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community.
5. There is a clear understanding that the importance of the relationship between enhanced educational and cultural opportunities and economic growth has not been well recognized in the greater Red Springs and dealt with to date.
Our committee believes that, to stimulate economic growth as well as community pride, offering enhanced educational and cultural opportunities should be foremost in the thoughts of the citizens of Red Springs. In short, we should work together to improve the educational atmosphere and facilities for enhanced opportunities in Red Springs.
1. We need to recognize that these are difficult economic times and respond accordingly. Red Springs has been victimized by many of the ills common to small towns in North Carolina. As a community we must address such issues as: our young people moving away to seek employment; the “brain drain” of talented persons of all ages; a paucity of programmatic opportunities to help youth; the rising drop out rates and decreasing graduation rates; the increased uses of computers by senior citizens; increased uses of (or requirements for) online job searches and employment applications; required online filing for unemployment; the widespread community needs for online research tools, online communication, social networking, and online businesses activities; a lack of after school educational activities; and the general unavailability of evening and weekend programs related to art, music, lectures and other types of performances. Establishing and offering such resources will not resolve all individual or community issues but similar programs established in small towns elsewhere have wrought many positive results.
2. We need to rally our community around ideas and programs that will make positive changes for all concerned. The citizens of Red Springs need to identify and develop locations in which to offer programs that can have positive effect on the community. Defining and enabling physical facilities in which to offer programs designed as enhanced educational opportunities in the greater Red Springs community will, over time, result in a community more that is conducive to economic growth and new businesses development.
3. We need to broadcast the message that Red Springs is a great place to locate. Red Springs is ideally located near the intersection of I-95 and I-74 and sits at the confluence of Routes 211, 72, 71 and 710. As such our town is an important gateway to numerous organizations and institutions in Robeson County and surrounding counties. For example: Fort Bragg, University of North Carolina Pembroke, Campbell’s Soup Corporation, and the facilities and businesses of county seat of Lumberton.
4. We need to find ways to attract people and businesses to Red Springs. Improved enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will make it more desirable for people looking to move to the area.
5. We need to establish a path toward enhancing a sense of community in Red Springs community based, vibrant, and diverse range of enhanced educational opportunities will lead to the reestablishment and restoration of a sense of community pride.
6. We need to make positive changes in the educational and cultural atmosphere Red Springs. We believe that carefully crafted facilities and programs for enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will make the town more attractive to new businesses.
Summary: Much of the effort to create and maintain facilities and programs for enhanced educational opportunities in the town of Red Springs will require public funding and public support. This will be evidenced as financial commitments by business and individuals, additional grants beyond STEP funding, and increased public awareness, support and involvement. Leaving the possibilities of establishing viable 21st century educational facilities and programs in Red Springs can no longer be left to “someone else.” Much of the effort to change our town must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized, coordinated, phased plan of activity. A town’s beauty is found not only in its physical appearance but also in its sprit, community involvement, and relevant educational and cultural opportunities. Even so, providing a program of improved community-based educational and cultural opportunities (of any kind) is not a “one time” solution. All such projects must be developed strategically and must involve citizen participation over time and on an “on going” basis. Red Springs is our town, and it is our responsibility.
Correction / Change to above :
An historical correction regarding the charter of the town needs to be amended.
Aesthetics Strategy Statement
Red Springs was at one time a “magical” small town that was known as a resort and home to a respected college for young women. These elements brought commerce and thriving business to the Red Springs community. But this began to unravel in the early 1960s as the college closed, and the downtown commerce began to change. As time passed many of our large textile employers downsized or closed causing a shift in employment opportunities as well as the loss of corporate leadership for the community. Also, in the late 80’s our RS City Schools merged with the county system in effect causing a disconnect between the business community and the local schools. The affect has been a general loss of local retail business, a sagging downtown economy, and a loss of community pride and a general sense of community malaise.
In general, over the past 30 year the appearance of the town has degraded for the following reasons:
-Lack of desirable downtown business and in turn failing store fronts
-The lack of community pride and the desire to keep Red Springs clean and inviting
-The lack of code enforcement and the large number of related neglected homes and businesses
-The inability to attract the building of new homes and residents
-The lack of community leadership to keep town beautification moving forward
-The importance of the town’s appearance relative to economic growth has not been recognized and dealt with
In order to stimulate community pride as well as economic growth, the appearance of the town should be foremost on everyone’s mind. The residents of the town should actively support town beautification efforts both in spirit and in action. The following are reasons we should work together to improve Red Springs’ appearance:
-An attractive and well maintained Red Springs will be more conducive to economic growth and new business development
-To develop a sense of community pride
-To support and encourage the efforts of code enforcement and clean up unusable or uninhabitable houses
-The communities improved appearance will make it more desirable for people looking to move into the area
-New people coming to town will add to community pride and will enhance our intrinsic community values and provide economic benefits
Growth in population will make Red Springs more attractive to new businesses
Some of the effort to create a cleaner and more attractive Red Springs will fall to the Town for seeking public funding and code enforcement. There will also be efforts to seek matching grants to incentify business to update and maintain attractive store fronts. Other parts of the effort must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized and active plan of beautification.
The town’s physical appearance is not just in the attractiveness of the buildings but also the pride and involvement of the residents. This is not a one-time solution. Certain projects such as landscaping, development of community parks, and an improved downtown appearance may be viewed as one time but much of this strategy will be ongoing and must have community buy in and involvement over time to be successful. Red Springs is our town and it is our responsibility to redevelop and maintain her beauty and community pride.
Correction / Change : The name Aesthetics has to be changed to reflect something that fits with entrepreneurship. Willie says he has a term and will forward it to the group.
Red Springs was at one time a “magical” small town that was known as a resort and home to a respected college for young women. These elements brought commerce and thriving business to the Red Springs community. But this began to unravel in the early 1960s as the college closed, and the downtown commerce began to change. As time passed many of our large textile employers downsized or closed causing a shift in employment opportunities as well as the loss of corporate leadership for the community. Also, in the late 80’s our RS City Schools merged with the county system in effect causing a disconnect between the business community and the local schools. The affect has been a general loss of local retail business, a sagging downtown economy, and a loss of community pride and a general sense of community malaise.
In general, over the past 30 year the appearance of the town has degraded for the following reasons:
-Lack of desirable downtown business and in turn failing store fronts
-The lack of community pride and the desire to keep Red Springs clean and inviting
-The lack of code enforcement and the large number of related neglected homes and businesses
-The inability to attract the building of new homes and residents
-The lack of community leadership to keep town beautification moving forward
-The importance of the town’s appearance relative to economic growth has not been recognized and dealt with
In order to stimulate community pride as well as economic growth, the appearance of the town should be foremost on everyone’s mind. The residents of the town should actively support town beautification efforts both in spirit and in action. The following are reasons we should work together to improve Red Springs’ appearance:
-An attractive and well maintained Red Springs will be more conducive to economic growth and new business development
-To develop a sense of community pride
-To support and encourage the efforts of code enforcement and clean up unusable or uninhabitable houses
-The communities improved appearance will make it more desirable for people looking to move into the area
-New people coming to town will add to community pride and will enhance our intrinsic community values and provide economic benefits
Growth in population will make Red Springs more attractive to new businesses
Some of the effort to create a cleaner and more attractive Red Springs will fall to the Town for seeking public funding and code enforcement. There will also be efforts to seek matching grants to incentify business to update and maintain attractive store fronts. Other parts of the effort must be accomplished by citizen involvement through an organized and active plan of beautification.
The town’s physical appearance is not just in the attractiveness of the buildings but also the pride and involvement of the residents. This is not a one-time solution. Certain projects such as landscaping, development of community parks, and an improved downtown appearance may be viewed as one time but much of this strategy will be ongoing and must have community buy in and involvement over time to be successful. Red Springs is our town and it is our responsibility to redevelop and maintain her beauty and community pride.
Correction / Change : The name Aesthetics has to be changed to reflect something that fits with entrepreneurship. Willie says he has a term and will forward it to the group.
Leadership Strategy Statement
Red Springs Leadership has not been as forth right to the community and to the younger adults and has lost its direction over the past forty years; its biggest problem is that we have not passed along leadership values to our succeeding generations. Part of this is that our youth with talent and leadership skills have moved to greener pastures because of the lack of leadership and mentorship which has driven them away from our Community. Moreover, because of the community disconnect with the school system what leadership skills that are developed during school events rarely transfer to the community as a whole.
The overall picture is broken down in the following phases:
-Much of our young talent leaves Red Springs for higher education and never returns because of the lack of available high paying jobs.
-We have not developed any coordinated leadership skills programs in our community to help develop the talent which did not or could not leave for greener pastures.
-The general lack of community pride promotes apathy and results in those with leadership skills not wanting to step up and offer their services.
The leadership strategy will build community pride and instill the desire to see Red Springs move forward in a healthy and positive fashion by building life leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills and critical thinking skills.
-By developing leadership skills earlier in our youth we will empower them to take control of their destiny and impart a sense of hope and pride
-By developing leadership skills our community will benefit from more actively involved residents who want Red Springs to grow and thrive
By developing entrepreneurial leaders we will help create local jobs that spawn creative job development and attract other job creation opportunities
-By developing leadership skills we will bridge the racial and cultural divide that has long held our community back by forcing us to think along boundaries rather that thinking of whole of the community.
There is a debate that there are people who are born with innate qualities that help them to become good leaders, while others have to strive hard to attain their leadership skills. So in reality, you could say yes to both questions. We as leaders do need to lead our citizens by showing our leadership skills, our compassion, integrity, honesty, humility, determination, courage, passion, confidence, commitment, wisdom and expertise. Becoming a leader entails more than skills, it combines skills with those traits listed in the previous sentence. We will have to encourage existing community groups like the Chamber of Commerce to become involved as well as working to start and develop leadership programs that will reach our youth beginning in the middle school years. This is a lifelong learning process, one that once begun will have no end, just a better foundation to build upon.
Embracing Entrepreneurship Strategy Statement
Red Springs was a thriving business community for nearly 85 years and was known as the Saratoga of the South. Our intriguing history has already been reported by the other committee strategy statements.
The strategy of “Embracing Entrepreneurship” focuses on recreating that entrepreneurial environment in which, once again, small businesses can be inspired, fostered and grown capitalizing on our location, identity and cultural diversity.
A comprehensive fluid and ongoing approach includes the following concepts:
*Branding Red Springs/Finding our identity and marketability (arts, tourism, convenience, charm) “Red Springs… History, Re Imagined” or” History working to reinvent itself” or “Putting Unity in Community” as quick examples
*Revamping the entrepreneurial culture- work to create a seamless system for entrepreneurs of all ages and all stages. Create a path for success from small business inquiry to mentoring to partnering with town officials to engage with prospective small business owners. This committee will be proactive in finding local, county resources as well as forming and Ad hoc citizens group for Entrepreneurship who will support small business. We will seek resources to include Youth Entrepreneurship and youth financial literacy. Youth engagement will serve to develop a pipeline as well as stirring the spirit of potential local adults to whom we can provide technical assistance and mentoring resources.
*ReVisioning/Revitalizing Downtown. With and in support of the proposed multi-use education facility that encourages the arts, education and generates tourism this committee believes that small business will once again line Main Street. Businesses that compliment and service the needs of the clients/users will naturally spring up. Potentially to include business incubation site(s).
This committee is aware that this process is a journey. We did not get here overnight and we will not get out overnight. We have to redefine/reinvent ourselves, unify around that new identity and create small business opportunities based on the experience folks will have here.
Our project will change and grow as we move beyond creating the foundation, as the pipeline of entrepreneurs builds with education and leadership, as pride is restored through aesthetics and as unity is rebuilt in our community, as the core committee grows, as success breeds success.
We can reimagine what is possible, work to make changes now and create a new future for ourselves and impact seven generations to come.
III. Project Development Reviews:
NOTE: All Projects Templates from each group will be posted in this blog as an electronic copy is received from each group. Changes/Corrections to be made are noted below each Project. All projects voted on were adopted unanimously.
Broadening Education Project was read by Margie with Kim, Barbara, Bob Moore all lending supporting facts.
Broadening Education Template 1 of 2
Broadening Education Template 2 of 2
Comments: Voted "Yes" unanimously for allocation of $3500 of planning grant money to pay for structural report and plan.
To do first identify best location(s):
* Identify other possible facilities and receive other bids to quote structural report and plan.
* Assemble team -so see other properties: Willie, Johnny, Barbara, (Barbara will talk with Tony Dillinger at Lumbee guarantee, and Lumber River Electric: Fran to talk with Bodenheimer building owner.
Aesthetics Projects
1. Appearance Study. Johnny read the first project to address the dated appearance of the business district and town entrances with the firm Coaly Design (Landscape Architecture + Land Planning of Raleigh). $ 8500 in planning money was discussed along with the hourly rate. Voted "Yes" unanimously. STEP will use this firm because it was recommend by Chilton and the N.C. Rural Center.
Appearance Study Template 1 of 2
Appearance Study Template 2 of 2
2. Window Art. Bob Schaumleffel read the second project: Create visual interest in business district by adding public art in unoccupied windows. $2000 in Art Supplies. This project requires further discussion.
Window Art Template 1 of 2
Window Art Template 2 of 2
3. Clean Teams Johnny read the third project written by Bob H. who was not present: Clean Teams to gather trash on the roads leading into Red Springs with money allocated for lunches each clean-up weekend.
Clean Teams Template 1 of 2
Clean Teams Template 2 of 2
Leadership Project This group met to discuss a Leadership dual track for youth and adults. The group is made up of Johnny, Kim, Caroline, Mary Francis, Fran who will complete the templates. The Leadership Team supported this project in its original stage. The final template below was presented at the September 19 meeting. It was written up by Mary Francis and introduce by Johnny.
Leadership template 1of 2.
Leadership Template 2 of 2
Embracing Entrepreneurship Project
Branding the Town of Red Springs was read by Kim. The group's project is to create a Service Learning project with students from UNCP to do a competition for "Branding the Town of Red Springs." They will come up with rules and offer a prize in town. A second project will follow: a Youth Entrepreneurship Academy/ Pipeline and financial, grants. Kim will meet with Caroline and Margie to complete these templates. The group supported this project in its current stage.
Branding the Town of Red Springs, Template 1 of 2
Branding the Town of Red Springs, Template 2 of 2
IV. Next Steps
Ø Final determination of project importance, order, and STEP $ allocation
Ø Draft Economic Development Strategic Plan & Implementation (coach)
Ø STEP Team presentation to Town Board (September 6th)
Ø Contract with Rural Center